The Airport
By ked
- 662 reads
Ellie reversed the Jeep badly into the only available space she could find. It seemed like everyone and their dog were visiting the airport that day. She felt embarrassed about her parking; her reversing skills were a little to be desired but the fact that she was driving James' car rather than her own only made the matter worse. Quickly, she slipped away from the car to avoid anyone commenting about her poor parking ability. It wouldn't be the first time that someone took pleasure in telling her she was shit at driving. It'd been the first time she'd visited Edinburgh airport. It was relatively easy getting there from her North Lanarkshire town, about half an hour. She had wished she'd taken a bit more time to get used to driving James' Jeep or that she'd just taken her trusty old Nissan Micra. James had practically demanded she take his car, insisting hers wouldn't last the journey to the Highlands. As much as she loved her car, she couldn't argue with him. Ellie didn't think the poor thing would last a four-hour trip. She had endured a few angry horns on the road that afternoon as she navigated her way to the airport. It seemed that none of the other drivers cared that she was getting used to the Jeep. At least I made it in one piece, she thought to herself as she took a few calming deep breaths. Something about travelling always caused her anxiety levels to rise; moreso when she was at the airport. She inhaled and exhaled deeply as she made her way to the terminal.
It was December 30. The airport was alive with people arriving and leaving for Hogmany and New Year celebrations. Edinburgh was a big pull at this time of year. People from all over the globe were arriving to bring in the Bells by the castle and to celebrate the end of the year. She'd never gone herself but had witnessed a lot of the celebrations on TV. It didn't appeal to her to stand out in the freezing cold unable to move amongst large drunken crowds. She was happy spending Hogmany in the company of friends and family in the comfort of a warm house or venue. Ellie scoured the board to check for the London flight. It was saying the flight had already arrived a few minutes ago. Despite her attempts to remain calm, Ellie found herself beginning to panic. The thought of seeing James again both terrified and excited her. It was the longest seven weeks and five days of her entire life. She looked down at her clothes and groaned; why hadn't she made more of an effort? She hadn't thought about making an impression but rather about the road journey ahead of them. Ellie had dressed for comfort rather than to impress anyone. She'd flung on a pair of stonewashed ripped jeans, an old Bon Jovi T-shirt and her oversized grey hoodie. On her feet were her trusty old Vans that just added to her overall scruffy look. At least her hair looked good. She'd gotten quite a bit of length taken off at the hairdressers the previous day.
A few flights seemed to have arrived at the same time and the arrivals area was crowded. Ellie stood back and leant against a pillar as she watched the emotional scenes in front of her. People waiting for their loved ones; children greeting their parents and some lone visitors looking a little forlorn that no one was their for them. She imagined James was exhausted after his flights. He had been travelling through the night from India. He'd travelled 11 hours from Mumbai to Heathrow and took a connecting flight to Edinburgh. She was immensley proud of him for volunteering out there. Although it had meant that they wouldn't see each other for two months, she knew he was doing good work. Ellie hadn't really expected to miss him as much as she did. The old saying about absence making the heart grow fonder couldn't be more accurate. The day he had left he'd come to say goodbye. They were both very emotional but neither of them had the courage to say why. As he made her way out of her flat, she ran after him and pressed her lips on his. James had been taken aback; surprised by her. He kissed her back but the taxi driver's impatience separated them quickly before anything else could be said. Ellie didn't regret it. Her only regret was not recognising her feelings before then.
He had tried to make contact a few times but he was out in a remote area of India. The only time they did speak was on a muffled line and neither could make out what the other was saying. Ellie sent him some emails and shared some pictures of her walks with Barkley. Little Barkley had pined for James but she’d kept him company and spoiled him lots. The little white Westie was settled within a few days and happily cuddling into her on her couch while she watched TV. He’d kept her busy most days; they took long walks and Barkley slept while she went out to work. He wasn’t impressed that he’d been left at the kennels that morning. She’d gotten quite used to having the wee scruff around and would miss him but seeing James was more important. Ellie had quite a few tasks to complete that day before heading off to the airport. James had been so pedantic about preparing for their weekend and had pre-packed a case for her to collect and take with them. She was more of a last-minute Larry but James' influence had been rubbing off on her recently as she’d actually prepared and planned her outfits for the weekend. Thankfully the Jeep’s boot was big enough for their bags and the one he would be taking back from India with him.
Ellie leant against a pillar as she watched the activity around her. Phil and Jenny had picked a perfect time of year to get married. Ellie was excited to be part of their big day tomorrow. Jenny and most of the family were already at the venue. They’d booked an old stately house for the next few days. It belonged to a friend of Phil’s family so they’d gotten a great discount. The weekend was going to be pretty full and she was looking forward to the whole experience. Due to the expense, she and James said they’d take a twin room and were happy to share. They had joked at topping and tailing if they ended up with a double. Ellie wondered if she would be able to restrain herself if they were so close together. It would be a bittersweet few days. She was looking forward to spending time with James again and celebrating her cousin's wedding but the thought of her mother left her with a horrible feeling in her stomach. It had been a lifetime since she’d seen the woman and now, they would be within breathing distance of each other. Ellie had made a promise to stay civil but it would take a whole lot of strength. Her saving grace was that James would be there. He had promised he would rescue her and stay by her side.
Her thoughts went back to James. Her heart raced at the thought of him. She never expected to feel so intensely about another man but he’d gotten under her skin. She had sworn herself off relationships after Chris. The divorce was finalising despite his attempts to stall things. Ellie had let him have their business; she just wanted out and wanted to create a new life away from the controlling, abusive man. James had been so patient and understanding all this time. She had put up so much barriers at first; too scared to let herself feel anything for someone else. Chris had chipped away at her confidence and personality. James understood that she needed time to find herself again but he was there for her. He listened to her and they spent so much time together as friends. He had been a complete and utter gentleman throughout. He hadn’t pressed her for anything more than what they had because he understood her fragility. It was because of him that she had found her strength again. Ellie couldn’t help but smile at all the happy reunions; seeing the people’s faces as they walked out of the arrivals. A sudden dreaded thought came into her head as she remembered and episode of Friends when Rachel had arrived at the airport to tell Ross how she felt and he appeared with a new girlfriend. What if James had met someone out there? It would break her to see him linked romantically with anyone else. They were building the foundations of their relationship and was heading in the right direction albeit slower than most people. She prayed that there wasn’t a temptress out there trying to steal him from her. Her attention was taken by a stunning blonde woman coming through the doors; she was breath-takingly beautiful and practically floated as she walked towards the exit. Ellie had been too preoccupied with the woman to notice that James had already come through and was staring at her. The woman was smiling and waving at someone; she stopped and all of a sudden, she was surrounded. Two young boys ran towards her while a man holding a little girl followed them. Ellie couldn’t help but grin at them; still oblivious that she was being watched. Her eyes went back to the door as she saw a little crowd coming through but none of them were James. “Where have you got to?” she said standing up straight, straining to find his familiar face.
“Try looking behind you,” James said laughing that she hadn’t even realised.
“Argh, see you!” Ellie got such a big fright hearing his voice. She felt her cheeks redden; embarrassed that he’d been able to sneak passed her. He had grown a beard and was looking a bit thinner. “Nice tan.” She felt a bit silly not knowing what to say. Her knees practically quaked at the sight of him.
“Well aren’t you going to give me a hug then?” he said putting his case down and opening his arms.
Ellie moved quickly and hugged him.
“Hey you,” James said kissing her head: “It’s so good to see you again.”
“I missed you,” she said squeezing him.
“Missed you too.” His lips were on hers before either of them had a moment to think about it. She reciprocated and they stood kissing passionately before Ellie suddenly pulled apart. She was aware they were in the middle of the airport in front of strangers.
“We’d better be making tracks,” she said taking his hand. “We’d better go to the car, we have quite a journey ahead of us.” Ellie and James made their way to the carpark and to the badly parked jeep. “Barkley went to the kennels this morning. He wasn’t happy but he can’t complain because he was spoilt rotten for the past seven or so weeks. I swear we’ve both lost weight based on all the walking we did.”
“Aw my wee pal,” James said sadly as he thought about his Westie. “I’ve missed the wee guy. You’re looking good you know,” he said checking her out as she lifted the boot open.
Ellie patted his face. “Thanks, Wild Bill, you look like you could do with a good meal.”
“Thanks, I think.”
“We’d better move and get on the road. We’re already going to hit work traffic as it is. It’ll be midnight by the time we get there.”
“It’s only four,” he said checking his watch. He’d already switched it back to UK Time when he’d landed in London. “It should only take us about four hours if we get a good run.”
“And the rest,” Ellie disagreed. “So, who’s driving first?” She secretly hoped he would volunteer.
“Let me,” James said taking the keys from her. “I feel awake just now but I’ll probably crash in an hour or so. I’m happy to do the first bit.” He lifted the boot open to put his case and bag in. His hands were reaching up to get the door again when she wrapped her arms around him.
“I really did miss you.” She said squeezing him.
James smiled happily and stroked her hair. He had missed the bones of her and it was obvious the feeling was mutual. He had almost cancelled his trip after their kiss. For nearly two months he thought of nothing else that getting home and moving forward with her. “I want to kiss you again,” he said cupping her chin with his hand. She looked up at him with those beautiful blue eyes and smiled as their lips met again. He instantly wished he’d gotten rid of the beard but she didn’t seem to mind.
“That was nice,” Ellie said as they pulled apart. He nodded, he could have stayed there kissing her forever but she’d already made her way to the passenger side. “James,” she called his name as he stood there almost in a trance. “Hey Doc, are you going to stay there daydreaming or are you going to get us on the road?”
James laughed at himself and closed the boot over. “Okay little miss impatience, let’s go.” He gave her a wink as he pulled himself into the driver side. “Geez,” he said as he pushed the seat back. “Could you get any closer to the steering wheel?” He teased her. “Women drivers.”
"Oi, don't be cheeky."
"Cheeky?" James laughed again. "Have you seen the state of your parking?"
Ellie closed her eyes and smiled; of course he would notice that.
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nice description in this -
nice description in this - and a great happy ending!
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