Alien Household : Part 2 (Alien Opportunities excerpt)
By Kurt Rellians
- 3038 reads
Alien Household c. 2006 Kurt Rellians
Alien Opportunities excerpt : Alien Household Part 2
All of a sudden he became conscious that there had been no door to this room. Everyone in the house would surely know what was happening here. Others of Urilt’s wives, and a few of their offspring had been in the lounge room where he had talked to Braidt in so civilised a way only a short time before. Urilt himself would be back soon from the office; he had lost track of time. What would Urilt make of his wife’s disloyalty? There were rumours about the aliens’ interest in humans, but this was Urilt’s house, and what would he say? Chris’s concentration was broken, distracted by these worries. Would Urilt be angry. The alien was strong and powerful. Chris did not doubt that he could cause serious damage if he wished, or if he became angry; or would he lose his job, both of them. What about the other members of the household?
His penis quickly lost its strength, even as Braidt’s urgency seemed to grow. There was no sign that she was concerned. He was not inside her, nor had she given any indication that she wanted him inside her. She seemed merely to want to stroke him, and above all to gaze upon him. Would that be spoiled now his erection was lost? Would she lose interest in him? Her hand left his penis, wandering over his torso before returning to it. Otherwise she masturbated herself as before, unperturbed. Chris had lost his erection before during sexual activity, every single time something would go wrong at some point, and prostitutes on those few occasions would rarely help. Sometimes he had had difficulty finding his erection to begin with; other times, more commonly he would have it to begin with, but it would go as he became used to the woman, and his passion reduced. One had told him that he needed kinky thoughts to keep his interest, he was no normal man. That was possibly true, his mind wandered, however much his mind thought the woman was beautiful. The prospect and responsibility of creating a hardened penis, and keeping it hard enough to penetrate and keep going had often led to failure. He came to expect failure. It did not matter so much, the important thing was to be in the presence of a lovely woman, in his case always prostitutes. He was often happy to masturbate himself in their presence, to finish off the experience. This was the way it often had ended, and that was alright.
Braidt’s orgasm was finally over it seemed. It had been going on for a long time, rising and falling in intensity, from minute to minute so he had thought it was over on a few occasions, and he had begun to feel relief that this strange and humiliating experience was virtually over. In those quiet moments the whimpering subsided and Braidt put renewed effort into stimulating Chris’s penis, which he had to admit he was enjoying. He had found that he could be aroused by the alien, but as the time passed he began to tire. Her concentration and patience were intense; he had begun to think that she would never end. His penis lost its strength on more than one period as her eyes savagely darted across his torso and face. The loss of his arousal seemed not to register upon her except that from time to time she would renew her efforts on his penis and her strokes of sensual massage. There was no evidence that his reducing interest had any affect on her own arousal. She was embarked on her own very alien orgasm nothing could stop it except perhaps for his own escape from the room. If he had fallen asleep naked in front of her he imagined that she would have continued to orgasm, touching and focussing on his unremarkable contours. He found his penis came back to life at her touch and his own from time to time. The familiar psychological struggle, fought with time conscious prostitutes, to keep it hard, did not apply here. He was free of the responsibility, although he had now a natural desire to complete his own process of fulfilment. Whether he would remained uncertain, despite his occasional returns to full strength. After her cessation, would she have any desire to let him finish? Would he be sufficiently aroused to finish. Would she order him immediately to clothe himself and get on with some cleaning? Would she dismiss him from her employment having made use of him? Somehow he did not think that was likely, but anything was possible. Would Urilt dismiss him in anger if he found out what his wife was doing behind his back? That seemed more likely to Chris. He hoped this would end soon and Urilt would never find out.
At one point one of his fears was realised. He sensed a presence behind him, at the doorway. Chris twisted his head to see. He could just make out another alien figure standing in the doorway, watching. He was quite sure this was not Urilt, who was taller and more powerfully built. Therefore it must be female. He did not really recognise all the females he had seen in this house yet. He had not been formally introduced to any but Braidt so far, although he had been in the lounge where a few, young and mature, were present, on a few occasions. This one was mature as well as he could tell. Naturally his penis, which had been hard at that moment, was distracted and lost strength again. After only a short time the figure in the doorway moved away, a belated respect for privacy he wondered. He ardently wished there were doors on these rooms, but it seemed to be a feature of the aliens that when they lived in human homes on Earth, they always took off the interior doors. The same applied in the office of the company.
Chris turned his head involuntarily in the way that animals, including humans and Starmanenans do when someone or something is looking at them. This time it was no female of the household but the head of it, Urilt himself. With fear of the consequence of being caught in the act of sexual pleasure with the alien’s wife Chris felt rising panic. To his own horror he realised that his arousal was so close to completion that he did not even want to break off from this dirty interspecies sexual communication. His body was expecting the ultimate human excitement. Braidt had prepared him too well and the end was predictable. His rational brain tried to resist but it was too late, his body was taking him over the top, despite the appearance of the figure he least wished to see at this moment. He knew he was caught. The crime was committed. He had been caught redhanded having sexual play with Urilt’s foremost wife. It was done now. He would have to receive his punishment, the sack at the very least, but nothing he could do now could avert that. He might as well come, he was going to come anyway. He felt it rising and could not escape it.
Braidt gently licked the glans of his penis with her long tongue, wrapping it as she massaged it with her muscled grey arm in the subtle rhythm he had shown her. She was quite the expert, although she had known him intimately for only an hour and a half. Her free arm was free to spread over his chest, to massage all those places where so few Earth women had been before, below his testicles, around his arse crack, his nipples, and everywhere else. She leaned forwards and sideways giving him sensuous views of her near human flesh. Her torso fascinated him and he gazed upon it as she moved, like a slow dancer. This alien was erotic, perhaps even as strong as a pretty Earth woman would be to him. Her devotion to his sexual needs seemed far greater than any he could imagine from selfish Earth women. He focussed on her bending body, her succulent mouth, eating him, then caught sight of her open cunt. If he had been any further away from orgasm he would have wanted to have his penis inside that hole, to feel union with the alien, but Urilt was watching. How could he fuck his wife. His excitement was too great. Nothing could hold him back now. He would come now, it was time. He no longer cared that Urilt was watching. The future was nothing at this moment, the present was everything. He wanted to splash in Braidt’s face, to have her dog’s tongue lap his seed, to imagine his hot cock deep in her alien vagina. He wanted Urilt to see him now, to see what he Chris really thought of his wife, to see the depth of his lust for the alien whore. Braidt’s rhythm played on his cock as if it were his own hand. He panted as a hot column of his soul’s juice erupted onto her tongue. She continued to wank him until he subsided while she withdrew her wetted tongue into her mouth, containing his seed. She swallowed, deliberately, so he could see the passage of his seed down her throat. Then her tongue was out again, collecting the rest of it from his still hardened penis, licking him until there could be no further trace of it. Still she cradled him and wiped him with her strange hands.
For moments time was still, urgency left him and consciousness returned, but he felt the relief of lust satisfied, the rest of an end to that aching command. Then more rational consciousness returned in a flood of his returning normality. He knew that Urilt had just witnessed this most powerful scene, his most personal expression of himself, had been a part of his final moments. The knowledge of Urilt’s observation had drove him to a wilder passion than otherwise, that desire to show one’s inner self to the world, for honesty. He glanced over his shoulder to where he had seen his manager, minutes, or was it longer, before. Stony eyes, an expressionless alien face, impervious to human understanding stared back. Urilt had seen it all, and Chris could read no response at all. Was he to be fired, or worse would he be punished now in some physical response now that the crime had been fully committed. At this moment Urilt stood, turned his back and left the room, no sign at all of what judgement was to be made. Urilt’s silence worried Chris more than any other response might have done, because it could not be read. Was there possibly approval? He did not think so. Surely Urilt would have smiled or said something comforting if he approved. Instead there was stony disinterest. Perhaps Urilt would go away to consider the sentence to be given. Perhaps there would be subtle punishments, at work or in the household, Chris knew not. He worried about it now.
‘Alien Opportunities’ is my book, published recently by AuthorHouse. It can be acquired via internet booksellers such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and AuthorHouse or ordered through bookshops (ISBN 1-4259-3291-6).
Alien Opportunities, is an alternative present fantasy about the impact of alien visitors on Earth’s society, culture and economy. It tells the story of Chris who lives on Earth at a time when aliens from an ostensibly peaceful and friendly planet have arrived on Earth and set up companies to trade with us. Chris is unhappy with his nine to five job, and finds out that the alien arrival has created new opportunities for work in alien employment. The novel follows the fortunes of Chris, raised in the sexually restricted lifestyle of Earth, as he comes into contact with Starmanenans and goes to work among them.
The novel is erotic, but is as much a science fiction scenario with a sociological setting. The book is not merely a simple tale of erotic behavior in ordinary scenarios. It seeks to imagine what the alien society of Starmanena, which has very different attitudes towards sex from our own, might be like, and what might happen if it came into contact with ours. Chris comes to appreciate the aliens, but is unable to overcome various doubts about them. Are the aliens engaged upon a mission to lure the brightest and best among us to a life of slavery or even worse depravity in the stars, as many suspect? Or are the aliens benign? Are they inevitably winning because they offer what Earth society on its own could not give, i.e. sexual liberation, paternal or maternal guidance, and freedom from the commercial imperative.
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