Dear Whoever (IP)

By L G Meadows
- 1724 reads
Dear Whoever
I am writing this to who ever it is in charge of me. You know, the one looking over me.... or at least you were supposed to. Sometimes I think you took a break and I floundered. I don't know where you are or who you are, but I suppose I did want to say thanks. I know it sounds grudging, but sometimes I think you have one weird sense of humour! My childhood was ok, odd to some I imagine, but I managed. It was when I was a young woman you seemed to go on holiday. I married my high school sweetheart. What were we think thinking of? All the flags were there, the ones that should have warned me it was not going to turn out well. What made you think that was a good idea, how could you let me do that? Ohhhhh I see. It was a learning experience, you have to go through the bad to get to the good. Couldn't it have been a shorter experience? Yes, yes I know, a wonderful daughter came from that. For that I thank you but there were a few times in her teen years when we were nose to nose, toes to toes having a debate about expectations for a teenage daughter, I thought you had one heck of that weird sense of humour.
Now, I do want to thank you for my mid-life crisis. No, I am not being sarcastic. When a mid-life crisis includes going back to university and getting a degree, finally understanding what it was I wanted to do with my life, well.... that was pretty cool. You were really on the ball then, very on top of things. Even at almost 40, it was an amazing experience. Ok a few times I did feel a bit out of place but not enough to give it up. Yes it was funny (and expensive) that I ended up on campus the same time as my daughter who asked me not to cramp her style. I really enjoyed your sense of humour when it was her that yelled across campus 'Mom, Mom, wait up!', so she could go to lunch with me. Life has its funny little twists, doesn't it. When I finally graduated and got my first job, I knew you were on top form again. Sorry if I didn't give you more credit for that but I was thrilled. I finally felt as if I were a fully paid up, card carrying adult! Strange that it took so long to reach that conclusion.
Since then my life has taken some pretty interesting twists,but you were there with me all the way. We got through some bad times but you showed me that the D word could be not only an ending but a beginning of a new phase of life. You were pretty smart there. Eventually a new marriage and a new country, it felt like my life was a roller coaster ride for a while but it did even out and you were there showing me I could do this, teaching me to embrace new experiences. You do make a good cheering section when you set your mind to it, and for that I thank you. Now, lets get on with life in the golden years. I will try to remember to thank you more if you try to remember that I am getting on and would like a nice settled life. Oh, what the heck, let's do have some more fun in life so do what you think is best. You always have anyway so let's get on with it!
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and were you asking his
and were you asking his advice regularly at those times? and reading up in his guidance book on how to pray, keep in touch with him and live … ?! Rhiannon
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whoever's in charge is doing
whoever's in charge is doing a good job I'd guess by your post.
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Hi there L G,
Hi there L G,
I so enjoyed your letter. You seem to have had a varied and busy life. I thought you were so brave when you wrote about moving to a new country and landing on your feet. I'm glad it worked out for you. I think you've achieved a lot and should feel proud.
Take care and thank you for sharing.
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wow, going to the same
wow, going to the same university as your daughter must have been weird :0) At least you would not have been worrying about her though! I liked the positivity of this, that bad times roll over and good comes up
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