Lowest of Life
By LKilby
- 559 reads
Blood turns to dust with the crimson skies;
Tears flow free through the streams of hate,
As the fury of the damned passes us by
In a breeze of torment and suffering lies
Stand strong against the gales of sorrow
and fight within your heart against the cold grasp
That threatens to pull you apart and take you down
Forever holding you in the hate of to'morrow
Rain and clouds cover above
While the sun hides from the dark passing
and life cowers in the depth of our souls
A solidary figure, a single dove.
It passes against the furious gales
of murderous descent and insidous revenge
It flies home to the warm and revels
In love as the storm starts with hails
The storm dies out and the breeze blows by
As the screams of the doomed silence
and the warmth flows free
Life provided to us by powers up high.
So smile and wait for the worst to pass
Hold onto life with everything you have
Give everything and take anything
I've said my part, It's your turn lass
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