By Lore
- 158 reads
Scrolling. The list displayed four main objectives but within each of them was a nearly endless list of trials.
“So what sort of trouble were you in?” Char was staring daggers at Silus. Lore continued scrolling, oblivious.
“I was being tracked by the twenty third order.” They sighed. “They wanted to finish what the Protectorate had started, sweep the war under the rug and move on. I wasn’t going to stop them but I didn’t want to die.”
“So you called Lore.” Char readied her fists discretely.
“I called Lore.” They resigned. “I didn’t want to drag them into my mess but there was something else going on. At least that’s what Lore said.” Char eased at the mention of Lore’s name. “That was nearly five years ago now. Since then, I’ve only seen Lore twice. Now and when they dropped that pad off a bit ago. They seemed off.”
“How so?”
“They looked like they had the weight of the universe on their shoulders but didn’t want anyone to know.” They shook their head. “Never seen anyone who fit the saying better.” They sipped their drink.
“Was there anything else with this?” Lore butted in, gesticulating with the tablet.
“Yeah but we’ll have to go to my ship for it. It’s a bit bulky to be carrying around with me.” They smiled. “But you’re going to love it.” With that they drained their glass, set down a handful of cog shaped coins and marched out of their corner. They soon returned, gathered their coins and picked up their glass.
“Force of habit. Can’t be caught littering.”
Together the three of them navigated the treacherous sea of people that had somehow grown further than when they first entered. Drowning in the sound, Lore tried their best to keep on course. All they wanted to do was cover their ears but it had little effect shy of making them look strange so they pressed onwards. Eventually reaching shore, the three began to Silus’ ship.
“Not much to look at but Lore kitted her out.” They smiled at the airlock door. Both Lore and Char kept their distance. “Come in. She won’t bite.” This hadn’t encouraged them.
Hand in hand they took the plunge. The ship was pleasantly cool and dimly lit. Lore could have guessed that they had modified this ship. Silus gestured to the main room.
“Welcome to the Destiny. Spearhead class. Custom built from the ground up by you, for you.” He pointed at the dedication plaque and removed a key from atop it. “She’s yours.” Both Lore and Char stared in disbelief.
“I’m sorry, what?” They said in unison.
“I was told to swap ships with you. I mean, I love this ship but it’s been rather like using a Regenerator pistol to kill an ant. Time for me to take a break in the slow lane.”
Char silently removed her key card from her back pocket. “We’re parked on the third docking ring. Be careful, the Jump Drive is a little temperamental.” She then re-joined Lore, mouths agog at the prospect of owning a ship.
“Quick rundown then. She’s got six rooms, not including the bridge, engineering and the entryway slash garage. Five of those rooms are configurable the other is a permanent set of quarters. She’s got technology beyond your wildest dreams so go nuts.” They paused to catch their breath and to let all of the wonder adequately soak in. “Let’s talk propulsion. You’ve got two options: Fast or Faster. She’s fitted with a standard Jump Drive, well I say standard but that thing will knock about a third off the travel time. But, if you’re in a real hurry and you’re not going too far, there’s a faster option. K.A.D.S.”
Char and Lore looked at him with blank expressions.
“Kinetic Activated Displacement System. Give her a target and a short run up then activate the K.A.D.S. and before you know it, you’re there. System’s got its limits though. It can only take you to pre-programmed locations so you’ll need up to date maps before you can go to some places and it’s got a limit of about one system. It’s much easier to use when you’re on the bridge.” They pulled their communicator from their pocket. “Any questions?”
“No.” They both shook their heads.
“Right then, I’m off. We’ll meet again. But not for a bit apparently. Have fun and take care of her.” A tear formed as they turned and departed the Destiny.
Lore and Char made their way towards what they had been instructed was the ship’s bridge. At the top of the stairs they were met with a small room. Before them, double doors. Behind them, double doors. They continued straight and found that behind their chosen route was another corridor with yet more doors. There were seven total but only one was labelled. BRIDGE. They walked towards these doors which opened automatically granting Lore and Char their first glance of the Destiny’s bridge. The whole ship shared a dark blue and grey aesthetic and seemed to be designed for a single pilot. There was only one chair on the Destiny’s bridge. Char raised her hand as if to yield it to Lore. Lore obliged and sat. As their backside hit the seat a keyway opened up. Lore placed the key they had received from Silus into the hole and turned. The room lit up. Light blue neon strips flickered into life as the ship breathed as if for the first time.
“Hello.” She said. “I’m Destiny.”
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