By Lore
- 295 reads
“Changes. Everything has happened so quickly. Quatarr’s sudden reappearance didn’t go unnoticed and raised a lot of questions for the wider galactic community. Thankfully, the answers were well documented by The First. Their research into this topic helped topple the corruption of The Temporal Sciences guild and bring about a new era for both humanity and Quatarr.” Lore took a moment as they stared at their reflection. It hadn’t been that long since they first saw it but it had changed in ways they couldn’t have predicted, wouldn’t have wanted to predict. Dressed in their fineries they attempted to straighten their tie. Frustration ensued as the ghost of their arm leapt to assist them to no avail. They slammed their fist against the bathroom sink. Their face was a poorly shaven mess and further reminded them of their loss. Char’s reflection crossed the room. She placed her arms around Lore’s collar, adjusting the skewed garment, smiling.
“You look great.” She spoke softly, hovering her hands over Lore’s shoulders but stopping short of their arms. “It’s going to be fine.”
“What do you think’s going to happen?”
“Well, the Quatarrian Central Command is understandably pleased with the final result and The Protectorate are more than willing to sweep the entire Guild under the rug and start anew. There’s even talks of an alliance between our peoples.” She beckoned Lore towards the corridor. “Now come on you. Big day.”
They walked together, hand in hand, to The Razor’s hangar bay. Everyone was dressed in their best. Clone armour polished to reflection and ceremonial uniforms arranged to precision. There were more than a few faces Lore didn’t recognise coming from the upper echelons of The Protectorate and the Quatarrian Central Command. Charrlene brought forward a clear jar filled with glowing ash. Undulia, under lock and key, presented a second. In unison, the two placed their jars on a pair of plinths before the congregation. Tears filling their eyes, they slowly retreated to their seats. Lore began their speech. Normally their hands would be flying all over the place, wildly gesticulating but given the context and their asymmetrical circumstances, they tempered their urges. After finishing their practiced piece their head jolted twice in quick succession. Char began to rise from her seat but stopped short of standing.
“As well as the loss of The First, we gather today to honour Loren. They sacrificed their life to offer the dead a second chance. Before then, they sacrificed their life and their happiness with their partner to ensure that I could survive. They gave themselves and braved their greatest fears so we could live…” A tear formed in Lore’s eye as they moved away from the speakers podium. “Before you are two of Time’s greatest heroes. Two people who, when called were willing to sacrifice everything for others. Two people whom we should all aspire to be some day. Two people whom we shall all miss.” Lore rested their hand on Loren’s plinth. “So to say a simple thank you would be insufficient. We should honour our fallen siblings by choosing to live by their example, striving to their excellence. Thank you.” Lore finished. The congregation bowed their heads, their collective whispering of that closing sentiment echoed around the hangar.
As the ceremony drew to a close, two men made their way to the podium. “Hello. My name is Michael Laam and I am the Vice chairman of The Protectorate council. Although off the record, we regret our handling of this situation. The Temporal Sciences Guild was given an unbelievable amount of power for the little oversight they received. That is why today we stand here together to offer a helping hand into our joint future.” Michael stepped back from the microphone and allowed his colleague to come forward.
“My name is Fureel Prinn and I am the Second Minister of Quatarria. We stand here today, together to honour those who died but also to create bridges between our peoples. Your records and performances have shown not only dedication but restraint when carrying out your goals. We wish to offer you all a place in our fledgling alliance, as the Timekeepers of both of our peoples. A core group of fifty two Quatarrians and Humans, in a balanced ratio, to help protect and maintain the timeline. Should you choose to accept this offer, my associate and I will be available to discuss the minutia in a more appropriate venue.” They both stepped down from the podium and paid their respects. They left as quickly as they arrived, taking with them the majority of the non-Lore-or-Char funeral goers.
There was a brief discussion between the fifty one remaining members, mainly centred around who the fifty second was but ultimately, they decided to accept the offer. Charrlene, Lore and Char spent the following three days discussing the terms of their new alliance and in doing so, discovered the fifty second member would be Brian. Between meetings, Lore had spent a lot of time with him, preparing and fitting their new arm.
“I’m not saying it’ll be the same as your old one but… It is from the year three thousand so it’s got to be good.” Brian smiled
Lore examined their new extremity. “How easily can it be removed?” Lights had lit in Lore’s mind.
“Once the shoulder mount and Omicron chip have been fitted, it’s as simple as pulling it off and snapping it back on.” Brian smiled.
The shoulder fitting hurt more than the initial wound itself and the operation to insert the Omicron chip left them with a headache for a couple of days but it would be worth it.
The time had come. They didn’t want to wait so the cargo bay was still a mess. Stood towards the staircase to the bridge, Lore waited for their bride. They went to check their Breacher for the time but realised it was on their other arm. Then she appeared. A vision of beauty stepped up The Destiny’s cargo bay ramp and towards them. Charrlene walked Char down the aisle before joining them at the front of the ship. She turned to Lore, then to Char and began the ceremony. Ace stood at Lore’s side with Curves at Char’s. When the time came, Destiny came forward with the rings. In her left hand, Char’s black and purple Reaper ring. In her right, Lore’s black and blue ring attached to their arm. Char tried to maintain a straight face as she fitted Lore’s arm into its new socket. Lore winced slightly as the new frame adjusted before using their prosthetic to give Char her ring.
“Congratulations. You’re married.” Charrlene concluded. She smiled to Char. “You may now kiss should you want.” They leant in but before they could kiss, Char put her mouth to Lore’s ear. She whispered something that they only just heard. It was a strange feeling. It was a word they had never heard before but it filled them with such happiness. Her hot breath on their ear caused them to twitch, narrowly avoiding a headbutt. As was tradition, they threw a small bunch of flowers which were skilfully caught by Curves. She smiled to Char then to Destiny. Lore and Char leant in and kissed and for now at least, all was well. Lore.
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