Mob Help
By Lore
- 168 reads
Familiar sights. It hadn’t been that long since their last visit but the Rexel system had gotten easier on their eyes. It was still a dump but after a week with the Quatarrian’s air filters, the smog had greatly diminished. Destiny was about to bring them into the system properly when she brought the ship to a full stop.
“Lore, please report to the bridge.”
Lore and Char had been relaxing together in their quarters, enjoying the time alone. Lore dragged themselves from her embrace and fought their way to the bridge. “What’s going on?” There was some form of shield emanating from the station before them.
“The entire Rexel System has been sealed off. We are to prepare to be boarded before we can continue.”
“Roll out the carpet then.” Lore nodded as they headed towards the cargo bay.
The airlock hissed open as three soldiers in protective equipment entered the ship. Their leader removed a vaguely pistol shaped device and aimed it squarely at Lore’s head. Instinctively, Lore went to disarm their would be attacker. Misjudging their new arm’s strength, the device shattered in their hands. The other soldiers drew their weapons. This time there was no doubt that they would kill.
“Stand down. We just need a temperature check.” A fourth voice came from the airlock. “No manners this lot.” She produced a similar device and threw it to Lore. “It’s a digital thermometer. Old tech but if it isn’t broke.”
“Syd? This your new con?” Lore gave the device a quick once over and realised she was telling the truth. They aimed it at their forehead and pulled the trigger. The thermometer trilled and illuminated green.
“No. This is your fault though. You helping me into those ‘Protectorate’ mines made me out to be a hero. Turns out we had stumbled upon a hidden Guild refuelling station and in taking over their operation, we severed one of their fuel lines. So thanks, now I’ve been enlisted to help enact the quarantine.” Syd flicked her hair out of her mask.
“Quarantine? What’s going on?” Char began down the stairs. The soldiers aimed their weapons at her as she advanced. Lore handed her the thermometer. After passing, they stood down once more.
“Since the smog cleared we’ve seen a huge spike in diseases. The native population is taking a nosedive so all incoming and outgoing ships are subject to inspection and decontamination. If you’re planning on going down to the surface, you’ll have to wear protective gear.” Syd threw them a pack of thin fabric masks. “It’s a step forward. This time last month, you couldn’t leave the house without a space suit.” She rotated her hand, tried to whistle then returned with her soldiers out of the airlock.
“The shield explains why we couldn’t Breach in so at least it’s not as bad as I thought.”
“Plague’s not good though. Can’t enjoy our holiday if we’re sick.” Char tapped at her wrist.
The shield opened wide enough to allow The Destiny to enter the system then snapped shut after her. Their mission had been to visit the fifth planet but Lore felt that to understand the situation, and how they could help, they needed more information. In orbit of Rexel Five was a small medical station. The ancient frigate had been repurposed to serve as an orbital hospital station. The ship was a patchwork of metal with plating from a variety of other ships comprising its hull. Where its main engines once were, two additional wards had been welded on. The hybrid station had obviously been built in space but wasn’t designed for full sized ships to dock. Destiny put herself in a similar orbit to the station and requested permission for them to board. Once the station staff had responded, Lore and Char went to suit up. Not wanting to take any chances with theirs or anyone else’s health, they both grabbed one of the heavy respirators they had used on their last visit. Lore refilled the sanitiser capsules on both masks to ensure that there was almost no way they could spread or receive anything while on the station. Lore hated hospitals. Destiny came down to the cargo bay to join them.
“Ships on autopilot. She’ll remain in orbit till we’re ready to leave. Can I come with?” She smiled endearingly.
“How are your medical databases?” Lore tightened Char’s respirator around her head before moving to do the same to their own.
“I have access to all alliance files regarding illness and treatment. The joint knowledge of both of your peoples so pretty good.”
Lore nodded then the three of them huddled up.
“Who’s hand’s wet? That’s disgusting!” Char recoiled.
“It’s sanitiser. I put slightly too much on and I had hoped it would have evaporated before we were ready to leave.” Lore rubbed their hands together and shook off the excess.
Huddled again, they all put their hands on Lore’s. Using their other hand, Lore activated their Breacher. Their trip was a short one. Now aboard the station, they followed the signs towards the main check in area. For a hospital, the station was horrendously unsanitary. The interior bulkheads matched their external counterparts and were riddled with rust. The floor was peeling as it met the walls and viscous coolant was spread like jam across one of the docking bay doors. These faults improved one by one as they neared the main reception. It was awfully quiet. Their whole visit, they had not seen another soul; no doctors, nurses or even visitors rushing their associates for treatment. Lore put their hand on their staff and prepared to strike. The doors to the reception ground open with a wheeze and a whine. The dam opened, wave after wave of noise flooded the previous compartment. Lore tensed up, trying to restrain themselves but to no avail. Their head jerked violently to the side over and over again. Char reached out and grabbed their hand. The twitching stopped or at least Lore had regained control and together, the three of them waded further.
“I’m sorry, we’re at capacity. If you need to see a doctor urgently, we’ll have to refer you to the Rexel Two station.” The receptionist stopped. “And you need to be wearing a mask unless you’re on the exempt species list which you are not.” He handed Destiny a mask.
“Exempt species? I thought everyone was hit by this plague?”
“The Emraeh, Vakrael, O’raes and a few other non-oxygen breathing species are the only ones that we think aren’t affected but they have to wear a full pressure suit to survive off their home planets anyway so it’s a moot point. Well, apart from those sentient crystals.” They looked to Lore then back to their monitor. “Oh, it’s you. Station Chief Tolan is now available to see you.” Second Plague.
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