The Ashmen
By luigi_pagano
- 2076 reads
in great numbers, the Norse.
These piratical heathens
who were violent and coarse
sailed the high seas
in wooden longships
and marauded this country
in their thousands.
from village to village,
left a trail of destruction
after rape and pillage.
Also known as ashmen
for the ash-wood of their boats,
they had conical helmets
- but not horned, as assumed -
wore tunics and garments
like fine woollen coats.
are a reminder of how it began
and how life was going to be
under the thumb of Norsemen
following a raid on Lindisfarne
which left the abbey in ruin
after a vicious Viking attack.
A blow from which the island
might not bounce back.
on the Vikings' violence
would be to ignore
their own achievements,
their artistry, seamanship
and artistic excellence.
Forgoing any thought of raids
some even settled here
and engaged in trade.
proving a high number of us
are of Vikings descent
so we can safely say
without demur or dissent
their legacy is embedded
very firmly in our DNA.
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fascinating Luigi! What's the
fascinating Luigi! What's the significance of 8, 6 and 793?
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Just looked it up and saw
Just looked it up and saw that 8th of June that year was the raid – ?! Interesting to have another of your fun historical precis. One of my earliest recollections of writing poetry was an attempt to learn dates by making fantastic doggerely rhymes to try to remember them.
Fighting and stealing and ill will break out in all people groups from time to time. Good to know they settled down and lived here more peacably, or some of them did. Rhiannon
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Brilliant stuff, Luigi. By
Brilliant stuff, Luigi. By British do you mean pre-Roman? It must be almost impossible to determine amongst the ever-changing melting-pot. William of Normandy effectively closed the loop on the Saxons/Angles/Jutes etc when he and his Nor(se)man hordes invaded from the south. I'm surprised the label Anglo-Saxon survives at all. It must have served some propaganda purpose at some point.
Parson Thru
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Hi Luigi,
Hi Luigi,
I enjoyed reading your informative piece. I'm glad you pointed out the Vikings good points as well as their unfavourable hostilities.
Jenny. xx
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