By luigi_pagano
- 735 reads
I am told it's traditional
and not at all sinister
to address a surgeon
as a plain Mister.
It sounded to me
more like a slur
so when I met him
I called him Sir.
© Luigi Pagano 2022
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In Bulgaria, almost everyone
In Bulgaria, almost everyone in the medical profession is called doctor, including dentists and vets. though I'm not sure about hospital car park attendants.
Thank you for providing us with the smiley poem.
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Also in Bulgaria, anyone who owns three or more tools that are in reasonable working order will call themselves a 'maestor' even if those tools amount to something like a hammer, a golf club and an egg whisk. They take themselves so seriously I have to smile.
Best wishes, Turlough the coalminer and ladies' hairdresser.
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