Here Be Dragons

By luigi_pagano
Mon, 16 Mar 2020
- 3665 reads
Captain Nemo and me
are going to explore
the bottomless sea,
in a submersible
that he calls Nautilus.
It is a sturdy vessel
with large portholes
which allow us to see
fish and marine growth.
But the journey is perilous.
We heard that monsters
lurk in the deep abyss;
they said, “Here be dragons.”
It is an old warning
that we won't dismiss.
We are in, looking out,
and we have no doubt
that we are safe inside
as we slowly descend
to the ocean's deep end.
But the nagging fear
that danger isn't far
forces us to question
if everything is fine
under the thermocline.
Lots of creatures exist
above the seabed,
at a depth of one thousand
fathoms or more,
but they're hard to spot.
Many hide in the dark
like the Vampire Squid
or the Frilled Shark
and none as odd
as the Giant Isopod.
Our exploration ends
with no monsters in sight
but the pulchritude of fish
that the bathyscaphe's light
has revealed tonight.
© Luigi Pagano 2020
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2 Users voted this as great feedback
No doubt inspired
No doubt inspired by Jules Verne's classic scifi novel 20,000 leagues under the sea. Also makes one think of Jacques C. and the research ship the Calypso.
Good work, original too! We are in, looking out, man and fish roles reversed! Who's who in the zoo?
All the best Luigi have a good week! Tom Brown
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1 User voted this as great feedback
A winner as usual
Permalink Submitted by forest_for_ever on
Hi Luigi,
An enchanting poem and an interesting viewpoint (pun intended) of a legendary sea captain. I always love your work.
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1 User voted this as great feedback
Some really clever lines. I
Permalink Submitted by agnosticnun on
Some really clever lines. I like this!
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I would love to see the
Permalink Submitted by onemorething on
I would love to see the monsters of the abyss! I enjoyed this adventure. :)
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Permalink Submitted by Frances Macaula... on
Yes, I too thoroughly enjoyed reading this clever piece.
Thank you, Luigi.
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