Toys are Us
By luigi_pagano
- 1672 reads
There was a time when all children toys
were chosen differently for girls and boys.
The Action Man was bought for the males
whilst dolls and tea sets were for females.
Everything was done according to gender:
the feminine trait was thought to be tender
and young ladies were considered fragile;
but the chaps' nature was supposedly virile.
Yet peoples' attitudes continually change;
opinions that mighty have seemed strange
not very long ago are now commonplace;
there is a new thinking that many embrace.
People no longer believe the tall tale
that being a woman means that she is frail.
Some stubborn men are reluctant to yield
but we are achieving a level playing field.
We have good reasons to remain optimistic:
the majority of men are not misogynistic.
Between the sexes we have healthy rivalry
yet not forgotten is old fashioned chivalry.
There are girls who play football or box
and determined not to put back the clocks.
They have progressed and found they can
ignore Barbie doll and choose Action Man.
© Luigi Pagano 2019
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Nicely said Luigi. Jenny. xx
Nicely said Luigi.
Jenny. xx
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I remember the old song...
I remember the old song... the wimin of today are smarter than the men in every way.
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