The Fox and the Pigeon hole Chapter 18
By M T M
- 442 reads
18. Redemption
“Now that you have decided to accompany us I think it is only right that you know about your father,” Caught off guard, Lance looks up quickly “My father? He years ago” His voice cracking slightly as he sinks into a chair. But Hourne shakes his head slowly, “What?” Too Stunned to move he just stares up at Hourne who wipes his forehead before continuing. “You’re father and Rafiel worked together, they were sent to villages by the government”
“No, you’re wrong.” A small chuckle escaping him, Lance shakes his head. “I know my father; he did not work for the government.”
“Lance, he did. His real name is Adrian Thorne. He-“
“You’re mistaken, im sorry but my father’s name was Jack. He didn’t work for the government, he was a Pharmacist” he says bluntly
Hourne sits down next to him looking grave, pursing his lips he looks at his large hands, “what do you remember about your father Lance? Was he a good father?”
Yes, I mean well... I don’t remember much, he died when I was eight and he was always working. My mother said that he was sick, I remember that-“Looking a bit more urgent Hourne turns to him,
“When was this?”
“Umm, I suppose right before he died”
“Well he didn’t die, im sorry but you have to accept it, he is a very powerful man in Pitcairn. He also has another son, his name is Jack... or Jake I think.”
“I don’t believe you” Lance replies coldly, as if he has caught on to some deceitful plot.
“I don’t know how to prove it to you Lance.” Shaking at the possibility that this might be true Lance looks down to hide his tears, “Well, what else do you know about him?” he says slowly.
“Oh, well he is part of the Magestirium” Seeing Lance’s confused face, “That’s the highest level of the government, only sixteen people. The latest we’ve heard is that he is ill; he has apparently caught some unknown disease and is missing from hospital-“
“missing” Lances voice is low and croaky, “but, how... Why would he go and live in my village for ten years if he is so rich and powerful?”
“Well actually we know quite a bit about it from Rafiel and those officers, it was some sort of experiment to try out a new type of weapon. Im not sure why he took it upon himself to do the experiment but he chose Rafiel to help him by doing the same experiment in a neighbouring village,” Lance stands up faces the wall, tears now streaming down his face.
“Before you say anything” Hourne’s voice becomes softer, “We know that he did not succeed, the weapon was... It was a type of drug.”
“What does it do” Lance says thickly,
“We’re, not sure but he never gave it to you so-“
“Me!?, He was going to give the drug to me. Bu...but why?...Why go to all of this trouble. Marrying my mother and having a family just to try out some drug.” After a pause he comes to a conclusion, “No, you’re wrong, either Rafiel is lying or...or he got it wrong too. This is so stupid, he was my dad. And he died,” Still shaking his head, they hear shouting from outside,
“Just let me talk to him!” Comes Kurt’s voice, and then the sound of a violent struggle,
“No! You’re not going in there” Rafiel seems to be fighting Kurt off at the entrance to Hourne’s tent.
“What’s going on” Sergeant Hourne bellows, sticking his head out of the tent, and then after a hushed conversation he shouts again. “Oh, just let him in!”
Kurt comes stumbling into the tent looking red with rage. “I need to talk to you” He says to hourne, breathlessly, “Fine, Lance could you-
“No, he needs to hear this,” Kurt holds up his hand. Hourne sighs but then collapses into his chair,
“Alright, what is it”
“It him,” Kurt points straight at Lance who’s mind is still fuzzy from the recent conversation with Hourne,
“What? What about him?” Hourne looks tired and confused but Kurt speaks quickly and urgently.
“Rafiel did it , he used it on him. He never left the Magestirium, he’s still working for them!. You have to believe me Sergeant!. He gave Lance the drug when they were on the run because he never did it in his village, he failed and now he’s going to betray you all.” Hournes eyebrows are furrowed in concentration. “Rafiel gave him the drug you say? Do you know what it does?” He asks with an anxious look at Lance who is beginning to feel lightheaded. “Yes...I know” Kurt looks back at Lance with a mixture of anger and pity “It’s supposed to give you visions about the future doesn’t work. Im sorry” Still in a state of complete shock Lance sinks to the floor.
“What?” Says hourne quickly “what do you mean? What will it do to him?”
“It might work to begin with but then, after a while... it gives you something, a sort of disease. That’s what Corporal Thorne has-“Suddenly Hourne leaps at Kurt, pushing him against a large crate,
“How do you know about that?” He says menacingly, his forearm on Kurt’s throat, “I only knew that yesterday. How do you know!?”
Coughing and struggling Kurt gasps for air, “I...was listening...when you talked to Di...mitri” With a grunt Hourne releases him and he falls to the floor, coughing violently.
~ * ~
They soon depart through the break in the cliff, with the jagged rocks rising on either side blocking out most daylight. Lance and Dawn are on a small boat with Rafiel and Dimitri, the river rocking them violently as it bears them quickly through the gully. Down some perilous rapids the river opens out into a longer lake that stretches into the distance, bordered by thick trees on all sides. On a much smaller and less beautiful beach they dismount the three old boats and unload supplies. In a temporary marquee the whole party gathers to listen to Hourne’s plan which has been the subject of conversation for hours.
“Calm down!” Sergeant Hourne Raises his hand for quiet, “You needn’t get so excited as the plan is a simple one. There will be three teams; the first will be me, Lance, Dawn and Raff with ten Insurgo’s. After we have taken position at the East Gate, Team two, led by Dimitri will attack with thirty Insurgo’s at the west gate. While the city watch is distracted we will gain access to the main control system and disable the alarms. Then me and five Insurgo’s will infiltrate the broadcast station, from here we can signal the other villages to join us. Team three will be the other one hundred and Sixty Insurgo’s, who will begin the attack one we have sent the signal” Looking around most of the group is as confused as Lance is, “the biggest issue is whether we can hold the city guard long enough for the other villages to join us, they will be waiting but the nearest village is still half a day’s march away, if we don’t-“
“Wait” Kurt, who has been temporarily released from his cell steps forward and looks around more nervously than usual. “We can help,” He says, gesturing to the other officers. “If we return and tell the Magestirium that you are in Collen they will send half the army, it might buy you some time when waiting for the villages to join you” looking sheepish Kurt stumbles back into the crowd. After a moment of indecision Hourne looks at Dimitri and, after a small nod, calls for quiet again. “Alright, but I’m warning you. If you betray us we will still take the city and there will be hell to pay.” He growls. “You seven will go ahead of us and warn the Magestirium so they can leave just before we attack, if we are successful in disabling the alarms then they won’t be called back?” He looks questioningly at the officers,
“Yes, all communications are controlled from there” says Charlie quickly.
“Good. After the villages have been signalled team three will meet Lance and Dawn at the east gate. Attacking from here will give us the tactical advantage, especially if half the army is searching Collen for us. By the time the army has met our attack the other villages can attack from the west where Dimitri’s team will secure the gate” The plan seems far less simple than Hourne had suggested but most of the Insurgo’s look like they understand. “if all goes to plan” he shoots a vicious look at Kurt, “Then we should have the control of the city within a day. No time to waste, let’s get packed up and leave”
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