Culture Shock
- 356 reads
I guess a perk of living in a state such as _______, where culture does not revolve around one belief, instead, it is a vast array of cultures compromising of many different ethnicities. Compared to other parts of the world however, _______ is no contest when it comes to celebrations; everybody is kept to themselves, watching and waiting for somebody to do something wrong. Ubiquitous glee is nonexistent, the only thing ubiquitous here is routine and expectations. Many would see this as unfavorable. How do I get through it? Well, I just remember to look at the bright side of life, just like Monty Python used to say. What I’ve come to realize is that I could use this lack of ubiquity to my advantage. It goes without saying, the mob is less pushy with their opinions in this part of the world, so you have the freedom and not to mention the time to do so much without being readily struck down. The most significant thing I’ve come to adopt is having the strength to stand my ground with vigor when it comes to my belief. In my eyes and along with many others, individualism is the greatest thing pertaining to one’s life on earth, but you will have people who object. The probability of being heckled and even ostracized are too real, but at that point it would be the best thing for you. To be shunned by the very people that turn a blind eye to peculiarity and idiosyncrasies is what is best. Let them keep their monotonous monopoly of mind controlling Muppets, mesmerizing miniature men into believing money is everything and not the malicious malignancy which it really is.
“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” A popular quote by the one and only, Oscar Wilde.
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