By maisie
- 494 reads
Satanism can start with a thought: or a small deed, which escalates because Satan requires his followers to carry on making those evils larger and larger. Eventually you will be asked and want the thrill of killing someone by inches. Then you'll move on to murder a whole family. Who knows where you will stop? Who knows what the Devil will require next...
They may control the 'power', they may bring on the maelstorm, the demons of error, to terrify you and seek you out in your dreams to kill or maim you. They may work through your community, little words here and there, destroy previously good reputations, take your job from you, as you get more disheartened and upset. They may seek to upset the water supply to make sure you suffer terribly with stomache upsets and IBS. They may... They dare anything. There is nothing too low or inhuman they will not do. They may have been priests (of any religion) they may be parish councillors, they may have been policemen, or justices of the peace. They may be boxing promoters, or sports people or farmers, or doctors..... even and I hate to admit it, some of my family might have been drawn in. Reflect: they are all criminals.
For me the answer is prayer..
"Oh Living Lord, Help us all in this hour of need,
Help us all, bad or good, living or dead, Help us.
They will ask a question: What did you do of value to your country? What did you of value?
My answer is I brought up my children. I brought them up myself, and did it well, and now they are all independant people who work and have found a place for themselves. They said that answer wasn't good enough, as I was a creative genius. I had almost forgotten that. It always got me beaten up at school or told not to answer the questions.... I think the question is irrevelant. Actually the problem is that they are all irrevelant.
I may or may not be related to the Queen. Bless you Ma'am, never give up to blackmail. Do not be afraid of them. I am not. I am not responsible for the awful shop radio show. I wish you well. I do not believe that you are responsible for this torture: or that any Windsor or Wales is involved. One of them just proved this by saying, "I will not be satisfied until there is no Queen in England." That is not the way I feel or the way the country as a whole feels.
Part of this group, stated at one time that they came bearing 'presents' from the Queen. Very strange stuff... I wasn't expecting one. Which was just as well. If it's true you need much better honest people... these are no good at all.
In No today older women are 'finished' if the terrorist community turns against them, if they are due to get anything valuble, they prefer to share it out. It didn't start here in No, most of them came from accross the country. From as far as Scotland, any where on my life route, and down as far as the Isle of Wight.
Older woman are seen as sellable commodities by the BDSM community, to be killed off. Or they are seen as quick cash as insurance is taken out and betting commences on the outcome.
I will carry on writing, these people have tried to murder me because they have taken wills using the churches, taken property when they fall empty and unused, arranged that my ex husbands & his friends, who I think may have been given money, old friends, either joined in or are used as shields for the guilty. It's easy if the wrong people have a lot of money. In England's state of cash poor and hungry people who can blame them entirely.
The Police might say I have never made a complaint: so they cannot act. Since I need real proof to complain (and that's not easy to get) I can't complain. I want them to act, I want these people put away, and if asked will press charges.
They (some of the terrorists) say I am a coward for not coming out, at unusual times and facing them. LOL. What do I want with Satanists? Nothing. I can't help a person with no soul. I am not God, I am just a person who depends on God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost to support me and my soul is safe with them. I am a very happy, well balanced woman, because I have great support.
You may have all heard through the shop's radio that I will die soon. That was done by mindreaders who feel that no person should have a single thought alone. What a wonderful world they are bringing in. They didn't have my consent. I wanted to tell the children first.
The staff of Mo's, I'm so glad I don't work there... applauded loudly. Apparently the end of a game is a wonderful thing! Now they all get to marry the man I nearly did. After they destroy him quite a bit, and tell everyone he's a cannibal and a witch. I wonder what exactly happened to others here... I wonder if he's still alive.
I have not given up. My heart will do... it's a faulty organ, however my spirit is alive and well. Never grieve for me... the death benefits for a Christian are especially good and I intend to enjoy the rest of my life.
NO - from James Patterson's witches & wizards. I have seen blue fire from the wall James. I hope you won't mind.
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