By maisie
- 518 reads
Paul met me by the river dressed smart casual, he passed me a coke and a wrapped sandwich.
"I've only got an hour," he said wearily, "I got to get back in there, lots to do!"
I nodded pulled down my long jacket behind me and sort of sat on it on the bench facing the river. November was still a nice time of year, just slightly misty around the greyest edges of the day. Soon it would be far too cold. The ground was crunchy under our feet.
"So what gives? he asked relaxing into his half forward position, his sandwich left untouched at the bottom of the packet. "I mean you're so busy these days, I'm beginning to feel neglected..."
"Sorry," I said wiping my face with the napkin, "It's the club thing, Sharon and all, now I feel obliged, although I don't really want too..."
"I don't think she wants too, either," he said softly, "She was crying when she passed me by yesterday."
"Really?" I said slowly, I was cold, the leggings weren't thick enough, a shudder went down my spine.
"Yes really," he said, his voice was elanguid, tapping in dangerous water, "You're not in on this horrid fake royal scam are you? I mean the ones that are also doing a covert psychic investigation and won't leave the poor girl alone?"
He turned to look at me straight on. "I don't think," he said carefully, "I could see you again if you were."
I blinked, he was such a good man. I tried to explain. "I wouldn't be, except..." My mind span trying to form the right explanation.
"I don't like it," he said, "I mean what does it matter who she is, or where she comes from or why she has good manners and who she looks like? Or that she's different? Or that the families that fostered her are different too? From what I gather proffessionally there the worst that there are. Nor only are they not psychic, they mind read... No one is safe with that going on."
"I have every sympathy with her," I said quietly, hoping this was going to make sense. I'm a bit like that too, I was defined as an absorbant mind years ago and escaped the experiment by becoming the control. I couldn't live with them. As far as I'm concerned most of them were criminals. We were hunted around the country, for years. They wanted their children to go school with me. And they were bullies!"
"Yes, I can imagine that was hard," he said, "So what are you doing running around w iith the county set, all mad keen to get into bed with someone. It's mostly common knowledge... Is it legal? Is a covert investigation? Or were they just after Ayn Rand's million? Or did she have money in the family - a will? Or did she win something? She certainly
hasn't anything now, not even a job since you lot hit her... with all this lot..."
The words broke over me like the sea. "I thought I could help her, if I stayed real close!" I felt indignant, I had got involved because my friends appeared to be in trouble. I didn't want to stop, and I didn't want to lose Paul... he had to see my point of view.
"It must be something; no one gets all that bother unless there's something at the bottom of it."
"I suppose not." I replied shortly, giving up on the tasteless sandwich, which I threw to the ducks.
"It isn't the poetry and books she writes, is it?" he said coldly, "One of those ugly rich kids was boasting about how they took them to magazines, and been published under their names..."
"I don't think that's true..." I faltered, I'd heard some of this too.
"Facilly I think she said, we had a look, in the office, in september, in a woman's magazine, full page spread, name underneath was nearly royal, Sarah somebody..."
I had begun to cry. "I can;t stop them, all by myself. I don't know who to talk too either, they might start on me... and its awful what some of them have done... Criminals!"
"Are the police in on it too?" he asked grimly, "What about higher up? How high does all this go? And why?"
"I don't know," I sobbed,this wasn't how my lunch was supposed to go...
"Why doesn't she complain to the police?"
"I think she's too afraid too, because they won't believe her..."
"I used to know her Dad years ago, he was in the forces, he lent money to the goverment. Good family.
Did she ask for it back? She has no money?"
"I didn't know you knew thee? I felt exhausted.
"Yes but I daren't let any one else know. So keep it quiet..."
.................. ..
I felt so old after I got home, I put on the laptop and signed into 60=.com. I didn't know if I'd see Paul again. He was so annoyed!
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