By maisie
- 557 reads
"Where else did you go in the city?" asked Kitty, "I wish I could have come."
"I had a meal at the church opposite the forum, the cafe is quite good there."
"Are they okay, the staff?" she asked, "Sometimes they're not."
"Funny peculiar, sometimes, a bit hazed, today. Someone came in shouting and screaming about being found out, he seemed to be talking to someone in the church office, who was screaming abou tthe church being found to be involved. I was inside the cafe sat at the back and couldn't hear all of it."
"Perhaps for the best!"
"Then one of the cafe staff, said something about the other one being sat up where I usually sit, on her own. Who she was I have no idea. Why shes the other one.... Well people say such odd things."
"Yeah, no information to back up your conclusions." laughed Kitty, "Are the churches involved?"
"Yes, somewhat, over the wills," I replied, seeing no reason to lie to her, "Only I wish they weren't. I can't quite find my way to church over it anymore. I think I might have been once supposed to have something here, only other people wanted so much more than they had... The trouble with the UK today, is the greed, and envy has has taken hold too deeply. The eternal war: is here in Norfolk, and we must win, or...."
"John was right on with Revelations: Wormword is coming down and the volcano is coming up?"
"Doesn't bear thinking about." I said crossly, "Civilisations rise and fall. Is ours going to fall?"
Phyliss came visiting the next evening, "Kitty told me about your trip to No-itch," she said primly, "You didn't call in at the shop. Where have you been?"
"Do you fancy staying overnight?" I asked her outright, "Only some nights the wtiches are here, out dancing and revelling out the other side of the building, God knows how they must sleep."
"Are they naked?" said Phyliss amusedly, "Only I didn't bring a camera."
"Don't think so, never went to take a look, apparently they go doing things over in the fields... I think there's a lot missing amongst them..."
"Do they say anything specific?" she said quietly, "About Kitty? for example..."
"Some of them do it with horses.... etc! These particular ones are out to torment me," I said smoothing down my new houndstooth leggings, from Primemarked, "Nice aren't they? Keep on laughing loudly and saying they've got it all. You can't have anything."
"Sounds like it's more than a bit missing out there. I'm glad no camera!"
"Yes. Did she tell you I had a stange day out in No-itch," I said reflectively, "I don't know how to tell you this...."
"Tell me anyway," she suggested wickedly. Her whole face aglow with laughter.
"I applied for a job at the further education place. I was walking around a shop, when I overheard some of the students saying I wouldn't get it, because they'd fixed it with the staff. I don't know them at all, whatever is going on...?"
"Sounds like junior witchery," said Phyliss thoughtfully, she smoothed down her out-of-fashion cashmere dress. "Perhaps they want to grow up to be just like their parents..."
I moved into the kitchen and prepared a coffee, and made up a plate of eatables. i felt snacky, and I wondered if she did too....
"Did Kitty tell you about the church involvement?"
"She said you still thought they had done something wrong." She called back from the lounge. "Have they?"
"They might have, only they won't admit to it. Not face to face."
"You haven't a chance of fighting it without proof." Phyliss said quietly, "I'll listen out, perhaps I can hear something you can use."
"It's so anti-christian," I said grumpilly handing her the eatables, and biting into a prawn sandwich.
"I agree, if you're a Christian then you have to live the Christian life, or else it's a lie."
"Apparently the ones that St. Juliian was so fond of... have read or heard of this book of mine, and are annoyed that their women have been called Prostitutes."
"Shouldn't have sent the women out to behave like the ones in Isiah." she said eating a salmon paste butty with a look of contentment. "Renting and waving their clothes about!"
"Not to mention the rest of it." I said, picking up a sausage on a stick. "These always taste peculiar."
"Yes, that's the attraction of party food," she said happily following my lead, "The best thing about them is that they taste so wrong."
"Hope we haven't food poisening by morning."
"Then theres some criminals who are on my computer and are reading my book out somewhere. Or is that another scam?"
"I heard it was a mobile phone ap?"
"Oh no! That means no artist is safe with their thoughts! She sounds hoarse and ancient and grotty. Might be icky wicky herself!"
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