By maisie
- 499 reads
Below the mark of belief: occurs about 6 am; when one has to get up and get to the surgery for a test without breakfast. I found it miserable and when I got there, a queue had already formed by the door.
Milian Jayle was waiting outside with the other reformed Junkies in the first part of the line. She was hopping on one foot, showing to advantage her height, and wieght ratio, in her children's coloured brand new clothes. She never wore them more than once. Her mother didn't like her to get dirty. She was about sixty-eight years young.
She got ovdr-excited when I joined the queue and lost control for a moment. The man next to her sighed, and shook his shoe. He gave her a look, he didn't dare say anything though, her whole family would have been down to see about it. She tossed her loose wavy wig with one hand, and started to jump and down with every word she said, both feet at once just like a Jack Russell.
"There's that woman!" she hissed, "She hasn't long now, then we get to keep everything!"
He gave her a glum look, he felt bad, "Shhhh, she doesn't know yet, does she?"
He tried to brush off her straying hand, which was gently probing his kidney. He continued, "You should have given it back, she should have known about it, please stop.... I don't even ewant to come to Pattishall anymore..."
He moved away again. The door opened to let us all in. These people had infected the population with greed, bigotry, terrorism and genital warts. Really only the village cartelle prospered.
"The poor are going to die this winter for sure," she said outloud, giving the rest of the queue in their worn out gear a measuring glance. "All of 'em. we'll do it the village way."
"STop it," said the man coldly, "I know your game, you can stop fing ering my kidneys."
Millian licked up lips, and smaned, "I didn't realise what I was doing!" She said innocently, looking up at him with her baby blues. She started to bob up and down gently. Men usually fell for that.... Made everything jiggle....
"She's left her body to Medical science," she said staring back at me.
"If you mean I did," I responded from behind her. "Yes, only I don't think I will now. All this has turned my stomache a bit." I could feel a touching of my kidneys going on. I had heard about her advanced classes in psychic surgery. She was reputed to be able to remove one without making a whole, and leaving a tye in place so that nothing didn't dangle....
The man gave me a strange look, he was tall as she was short, "She's at you too? She has to measure them first."
"We wait until you die," she told me pleasantly, soflty bobbing"one leg, "So don't worry Just, when you make a will, leave it to me... I handle all the wills for sure: if there's any problem, I'm married and have children, so I'm a safe bet, everyone thinks so... And if you stay with me: I'll make sure it's dishy ambulance men who come to pick you up..."
"Not mine," I said calmly, "I have iI noterized, and copies with my children. So you needed bother... and I hope to die in my bed, and as for dishy, I won't be around to care... "
"Oy!" said Kitty coming up behind me, "What are you here for?"
"A test," I responded quickly, "Let's go sit down somewhere."
"You shouldn't talk to her," she said as we sat down, "She's one of them. She rehearses people to sound like you do. She tried to do it to me. When she thought I'd got something to leave. She's probably after your house...."
"Don't get upset," I said quickly, "We can laugh at her and her village system."
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