stone castles - story lines fact or fiction unsure of.
By maisie
- 576 reads
If you think about it, 'truth' is a variant, depending on who you speak too, it depends on personal reasoning, attitudes and understanding. Facts however are tested and tried out, you can say the sun rises every morning... without fear of being said a liar...
Once upon a time in a place not too far from here, there lived a family in a stone castle. The castle was only a small one, and was located within a park inside the village.
The stone castles were built by the descendants of the Giants of Gnawfolk, a strange and easily recognised race, and positioned so that they could easily talk to the sleeping giant and encourage it back to sleep if necessary. If the giant ever woke up, Gnawfolk would perish and fall into the sea.
The other Giants: were still active, one of them very similiar in appearance to the family it gave birth too, and the other only apparent as a dark unpleasant mass, that rose from the river Wensum and would float into the city seeking out what was lost... to it. The remaining giant can be seen clearly on my next children's book, against the wall of the tower on the banks of the Wensum.
The descendants of the e giants fall into two camps: one side does very well and is more like the giant in appearance. The other side, has oddities, perhaps with an organ (which can substitute word for word what people say) and Doctors... Frank Enstien comes to mind, and his pretty office assistant Igoressa.
Frank is after the castle... and nothing can stop him using up people in order to get it. He is measuring the mental power of people who aren't far from death, when psychic stuff is more likely to happen, and is throwing it wholesale at the person he thinks should have recieved the sealed letter. He just doesn't trust the slightly royals.... and worse, he has a draam. He want to experient with the psychic power of the sleeping giant.
The family at the village stone castle were two brothers, the younger one married into the Giants, and she was a heiress. She was also a recluse and she had no children. They were happy, she held the purse strings, and he gardened the park until it shone like a new pin. Eventually people forgot what they looked like, it was said she was a sleeping beauty, once pricked...
His elder brother wasn't so happy, their family were accused of being only 'slightly royal' by the heiress, and he disliked the village witches, as they upset his wife. Eventually he was cursed by one or two and only one of his children survived, with a learning disorder.
Eventually he moved away, and spent most of his life working as a rep for a plastics firm, and managing a business with his brother, in swimware and boating stuff. His brother put in a swimming pool so that they could do their own testing out.
When the elder brother died, they had a problem, they couldn't find the person he wanted to leave something too, and not one person could work out why he had done it. They found he held title to the stone castle perhaps because it had been put up to back their business venture and he had quickly paid for it.... and not one thing could be sold or got rid off until the sealed letter had been given to the right person.
However this where this tale gets interesting because there are two possible and quite easily apparent follow on versions, which might mean that there the 'truth' falls in between them....
what is true, depends on you...
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