The Paranoia Principle
By Mangone
- 1559 reads
It was late and I was tired. The phone rang.
“The Paranoia Principle.”
‘Weird’ I thought, ‘Probably a wrong number… or a crazy.’
I couldn’t sleep so I decided to do a quick Google.
Top of the list…
The only bit of the article that really stuck in my mind was :
“The company perpetually operates on the paranoia principle; no threat is too improbable to ignore. This has helped Microsoft remain, in the face of repeated enemy incursions, one of the most profitable companies in the world.”
‘No threat is too improbable to ignore! Hmmm.’
Well. Looking around the obvious threats are so many that the improbable ones hardly register.
Still, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to give a few minutes though to a highly improbable threat - aliens.
Now then, where I live there are crowds of ‘aliens’ but I expect it is much the same where you live.
I mean they are not of extra terrestrial origin (probably) they just act as if they are.
I noticed in the news that Siberia has definite proof of the existence of the Yeti but somehow ended up reading a rather bizarre piece from the Guardian :
Now, why is the Guardian rubbishing the Russians?
Didn’t that ex-sport’s commentator David Icke mention cold blooded shape changers that could possibly be Yeti that prefer to live in cold places like the mountains of Tibet?
Michio Kaku Confirms Icke to Be Correct. Are they both nutters? Very probably.
Mind you this is VERY interesting :
“You can’t eat money” indeed! Makes you wonder if the real danger to the US is from within and not from external terrorism but extreme discontent. Maybe a U-party (a reaction to the T-party :O)
Anyway, back to aliens.
The world’s weather gets more extreme by the week!
The world’s economy gets more fragile by the day!
The World’s ecology gets more polluted by the second!
What are we doing about all this? Talking!
Yes, there are bits of things being done, equivalent to sticking plasters on a volcano… but what’s really being done?
Prevarication, the blame game, Pop stars yet again left to feed the hungry.
Almost everywhere austerity measures to keep people distracted from the real problems.
Who is in charge?
What does SCIENCE suggest we should do to save the planet?
Well, it seems to be too busy playing with the LHC and space telescopes and computer models to do more than suggest that we should endeavour to control our CO2 emissions.
Well, yes, that would help, if we all stopped breathing I’m sure the planet would quickly improve.
What about the aliens? Well WE are the aliens aren’t WE?
I mean no sons and daughters would treat their Mother the way that we treat the Earth.
Take everything she offers without a thought of thanks and even though it is obvious she is not well we keep squeezing her for more.
We must be ungrateful aliens, Midwich cuckoos, who long since replaced the real off-spring of this beautiful blue planet and having almost sucked her dry we are now searching for ways and means to move on to planets new!
The Paranoia Principle?
Only the elite will reach the stars and their workers will all become REDUNDANT!
Do you really think the will take you with them?
Do you really think they will leave you behind?
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The probability of the elite
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