Pi. A Universal Constant?
By Mangone
- 5448 reads
Now, since I have labelled this as humour I’d better add some quick…
So, as we’ve defined a new constant (see below) that we can call a Pia...
I'd like to suggest a new form of Relativity.
A Pia is based on the principle that a Pia pendulum (a pendulum whose length in metres exactly matches the local acceleration due to gravity) will always have a swing period of 2Pi seconds and since a swing period is there and back again, then it has a single swing time of Pi seconds.
So, whatever the length of a Pia pendulum is, wherever the measurement is taken, is one Pia x Pi seconds. That is that the Pendulum Indexed Acceleration at that location is equal to the Pia Pendulum length/3.1416 (approximately)
Put simply on Earth it would be approximately Pi squared/Pi = Pi metres/second/second.
Ingeniously, the Pil (the Pendulum Inverse Length) should be based on the inverse of the Pia such that it would allow the same specifications to work on different planets - because the lengths would be proportional to the gravity and things would keep approximately the same weight…
There will be certain disadvantages for tall, and fat, people which I see as an added benefit of the derived unit. In practice it means large plates in low grav and small ones in high gravity which I feel will work well.
Okay, so now we have a length which is based on a constant which (like the speed of light) should be Universal.
Now, you may think to yourself it is a very strange idea to have a constant that varies with gravity...
Well, yes, if you think about it then the new Relativity is going to be a bit weird at first -
we will have to pretend that all the different lengths we get at different gravities are relatively the same and the poor chaps in orbiting spacecrafts with zero gravity are going to have a non-existent length :O)
Yet, it is much the same as pretending that all the different weights we get at different gravities are the same (mass) and that weight is non-existent at zero gravity :O)
All great ideas seem a bit crazy at first.
Let me convince you... it is simply that you can’t understand the true genius of it, can't yet see that it really reflects reality on a higher level.
Okay, imagine that eventualy it is accepted and years later the system has been adopted by science and the Pia and the Pil are SI units.
It is suddenly realised that under very high accelerations of gravity it will tend to stretch the pendulum…
So, an addition will be made to the equation to account for this by linking it to an infinite gravity. Which would mean in practise a simple theoretically relative adjustment to the length...
pretending it is shorter than it is by a fractional decrement which is related to an absolute acceleration which, would be the highest that space could withstand without rupturing itself.
So, now all will be well except time has become a little uncertain as it is tied to the period of the Pia Pendulum and the only way to express the changes in length is in time dilation.
The physicists will have a great time speculating on what happens when gravity approaches the acceleration at which it has been calculated that space will rupture.
They will calculate that time will stand still when the acceleration nears the limit because the gravity will be so great that it will be too strong for the radius to grow against it.
In other words the gravity will increase but the radius will not - which means that time will continue to be swallowed by gravity until there is none left :O)
Of course no-one will have considered that as you get extremely high gravity then the pendulum will not be accurate because the gravitational gradient will be so dense that the pendulum will feel significantly more gravity at the lower parts of the swing and that will distort the result.
All this might sound like absolute rubbish to you.
How can time be affected by gravity?
WHO COULD be crazy enough to BELIEVE that if you get a strong enough gravitational field that TIME WILL STAND STILL???
Who indeed? ;O)
Okay, serious now!
I’ve only recently begun to realise what a magic number Pi really is.
Einstein tells us through Relativity that the Universe is curved.
That mass curves space and it is the curve that causes gravity.
Pi is the balance between the straight and the curved.
Pi is the key to the Universe!
I’ve always wondered if there might be a better Universal constant
than the speed of light.
You can see why Einstein chose it but if there is an ether then
it makes Relativity essentially redundant.
The thing about the speed of light as a constant is how rarely it ever is constant. It has to be in a vacuum and presumably travelling through a space with unvarying gravity.
Now, on the other hand Pi, as the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, is ubiquitous in life and in physics so why not use that instead?
If Pi turns out not to be a constant constant then the reasons for it not being constant could be included in a new relativity which would, presumably, fit much better with Quantum theory and bring a Universal theory several steps closer.
So, where do we start? Well, as Pi is the key to curves, pendulums are the key to how these curves relate. The traditional equation for a pendulum is for its period - the time it takes to swing there and back again.
I suggest that it will be simpler to start with the equation for half that,
i.e. for one swing.
T = time for swing in seconds. The length of the pendulum is traditionally L but I’m going to use R because it is essentially the Radius.
We also need an acceleration which is g (and taken to be the acceleration due to gravity where ever the pendulum is being used).
T = Pi times square root (R/g)
Where T is in seconds, R is in metres and g is in metres (per second, per second)
Not quite a constant yet we need to define something to relate it all to.
I suggest we use a length, but a length of time not of distance.
I never really understood why Einstein needed to make time part of space to create the four dimensional space-time but I have started to see that certain relationships are fundamental and seem to be constants and so time is a great way of defining their constancy and their constancy is a great way of defining time.
So what time length shall we choose. Pi seconds of course!
A very interesting thing happens when T = Pi seconds - the acceleration and the length become equal.
In other words R/g = 1 which tells us that if you have a pendulum which is the same length as the acceleration of the local gravity then its swing takes Pi seconds.
So what? Well, because R and g are equal at Pi seconds we can see that increasing the Radius must increase the acceleration an equal amount. Imagining a pendulum how ever much you lengthen the string if you increase the gravity by the same amount - then the pendulum's swing will always take Pi seconds.
Now imagine the pendulum getting longer and longer but always taking the same time to complete its swing… all things being equal we can say that the angle described by the pendulum is constant despite the bob travelling further.
Hence the curve is essentially 'flattening' (becomming less steep) but the time period is identical. We know how much the acceleration has increased because it is equal to the increased length of the Radius so we calculate the inertia of curving.
We will consider this a bit more later because it allow us to and find just how inertia relates to increases in angular velocity with decreasing radius.
However, first we should consider the general properties of
pendulum swings below Swing time T=Pi seconds
and ones above...
Essentially, periods below Pi are when gravity is strong and so it tends to be when the radius is small.
Periods that are shorter than T=Pi seconds would probably be seen in things like tornadoes which must revolve quite fast at their centre - the angular velocity balancing the air pressure caused by the spin. Much smaller periods would probably allow insight into quantum mechanics and possibly Black Holes (if such things exist).
Periods longer that T=Pi seconds are ones we are fairly familiar with at first.
Our local gravity, varies a little, but is closer to Pi squared than it is to 3 Pi.
For T=Pi seconds a pendulum on Earth would be fairly large, at around 9.8 metres.
Yet, reducing the time period to T=1 second gives a length of about 1 metre…
the pendulum length is precisely 1 metre for an acceleration of Pi squared m/s/s.
Once you start to get on to fairly long periods you are in the realm of planetary orbits because the acceleration of gravity tends to be quite weak and the length of the radius becomes far more important...
As I’ve said before, as the radius tend to infinity so the gravity tends to zero because they are the inverse of each other.
I realised that I had entered kilometres into this calculation and doing it correctly suggests that if the Earth were the bob of a giant pendulum swinging from a gravitational string centred in the sun then the acceleration would be a mere 0.005946 m/s/s per second!
Amazingly, it fits the only values I have been able to find which quote 0.006.
Before you wonder how the Universe can be related to a pendulum
I ought to point out that we can use a circle just as well,
it is just that the connection between the curve and the straight line
is not as immediately obvious.
I’ll just add a bit more about pendulums and we will see if we can derive a equation that states the relationship between speed, curves and inertia.
I’m not rushing into deriving any equations relating to the interesting balance that exists when a pendulum period = Pi seconds.
Actually, all my calculations are based on 2Pi because I don’t have any simple means of calculating them for Pi and I’m simply hoping that what works for two swings, essentially identical swings, should work for one if I halve the results… a dangerous presumption I know.
Pity that modern Windows doesn’t have a version of BASIC!
Anyway, let’s do a brief recap of exactly what a pendulum does…
it allows us to measure the resistance to movement, the inertia, of a body following a curve.
It does this by defining a period, a precise time, that the pendulum’s bob takes to do a double swing.
A double swing is preferable because it tends to average out any outside influences but of course, as I’m using a virtual pendulum there should not be any.
Okay, the pendulum can test inertia in two ways :
It can keep a constant curve and ‘calculate’ the increasing inertia to the bob moving steadily faster along the curve, by incrementing gravity and measuring the change in the time period.
or, it can have a steadily decreasing ’steepness’ of curve, by increasing the radius (the length of the pendulum) and we can ’calculate’ the inertia, again, by measuring the period.
We observe that the acceleration and the radius are inversely proportional but at a radius of Pi (for one swing, 2Pi for a Period) the two are exactly balanced.
We also notice that 4 times the gravity, or 4 times the Radius will always have an equal but opposite effect on the Period.
Obviously 4 times the gravity makes the bob move faster and halves the time Period
Whereas 4 times the radius means the bob has further to travel and so doubles the time period.
Searching for an analogy of the situation at Swing Period = Pi seconds intuition led me to imagine a one-handed Pi clock...
Its single hand sweeping once around the clock face every Pi seconds.
Now, I imagine that the force on the clock hand would vary with the distance to the centre of the clock face - in other words that the force and the speed would be proportional to the length of the clock’s hand.
So that infers that the force is simply directly proportional to the radius and the speed of rotation as it seems to be from the Sim.
The fact that the angular rotation is constant means that the speed of the hand is too - which it would have to be if it were a clock hand :O)
What interests me more is, since in reality the pendulum could only describe a small portion of the clock hands sweep, how small a portion would that be, and would it change with clock size?
More later...
N.B. R/A = 1 when T = 2Pi seconds
where R = radius and A = acceleration.
2Pi seconds would be one period which is 2 swings so one swing would take Pi seconds.
It then seems to be the magic number (period) at which you can find the inertia for almost any curve.
Since the radius and the acceleration balance at Pi seconds then, say, a 1 metre pendulum at an acceleration of 1 metre (per second, per second) would have the same angular inertia as a 10 metre pendulum at 10 meters (per second, per second).
In other words at a swing time of Pi seconds you can calculate the inertia almost up to the speed of light (in theory).
In fact, since you would need an infinitely large radius to get a virtual straight line then the acceleration would be infinite too, hence so would the inertia.
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incredibly clever stuff :)
maisie Guess what? I'm still alive!
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Great. I managed the whole
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Persistence and
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I have worked out your evil
maisie Guess what? I'm still alive!
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Cor! Longest comment on
maisie Guess what? I'm still alive!
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maisie Guess what? I'm still alive!
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I was wondering why there
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