In Praise Of Perry (US Governor)
By Mangone
- 2084 reads
By nature I’m a Democrat and so I admit I was biased when I formed my initial opinion of Perry…
I thought he had looked like the epitome of a ‘rugged’ Hollywood American hero clone and so I classed him as a ‘poseur’ relying on good looks and the usual Republican tactic of professing to having God on his side.
I was forced to re-evaluate my initial classification when I saw Perry on TV looking tired and somewhat drained while offering support to those who have lost everything in the Texas wildfires.
It wasn’t so much that he had taken timeout from his presidential campaign - which proved to be disastrous for Mc Cain - so much as the fact that it was obvious that it wasn’t just another video bite and that he really was more interested in reassuring the people he was trying to comfort than in appearing on the media looking presidential and perfectly groomed.
Now many of us will remember Bush’s “You’re doing a great job Brownie” displaying his total lack of interest in what was being done to help those who were suffering the horrors of Katrina and although it has to be said that Obama didn’t make the same mistake with Irene I have to say that Perry seemed to have that extra depth of compassion that reaches beyond words of comfort and bestows a sense of ‘You’re part of my family and I’ll make sure you’re looked after‘…
That is the great promise of Christianity. That Christians will love their neighbours and, like a loving family, will help each other through times of trouble and adversity!
It is not a time to start mumbling about cap and balance, about where the money and resources to help those in need will come from - it is a time to help, to come together in adversity, to realise that money is only bits of paper and if America can spend trillions on wars it can certainly spend billions on helping its own people who are suffering through no fault of their own.
Now I have to admit that I laughed when the media reported that Perry doesn’t believe in the Theory Of Evolution because, after all, there should be no problem in seeing the principles of Evolution as being devised by God to make sure that His creatures were best suited to the environment that they lived in.
After all, the author of the Theory of Evolution (Charles Darwin) saw it that way even though, in the end, he wasn’t a great fan of organised religion he still saw that it was God’s design.
However, it occurred to me that perhaps Perry, like me, has no time for the modern, atheistic, theories that have become fashionable as the modern materialistic paradigm.
Evolution seems to have become the ’word according to Mr Meme, Richard Dawkins, the author of ’The God Delusion’ and member of a gang of atheists who appear to want to rid the people of the planet of its ‘delusions’ of a supreme benevolent being to be replaced by blind chance and the new religion of soulless Science.
I’d like Mr Dawkins to explain to me how people who lived many thousands of years ago could know that life started in the sea and have an almost identical development cycle to the one still held by Evolutionists.
I’d also like to know how the Universe could have started with an explosion of ‘nothing’ which somehow transmuted into everything. You can’t get something from nothing and then have that nothing order itself into a Universe!
There is no doubt the Evolution plays a part in the development of life and people can please themselves whether they believe that God is behind the laws that govern Evolution but it should be obvious to a moron with half an eye that these laws are not based on blind chance.
Even Dawkins must admit that survival of the fittest can’t simply be that the creatures most genetically suited to their environment are selected by chance.
I noticed that Dawkins supported the theory of Richard Adams (author of the Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) that a certain antipodean parrot, which had no real predators, had used the process of ‘natural selection’ to become very bad at sex. The theory being that being bad at sex was a survival aid because it kept down the number of birds competing for the limited resources of their island.
Now I don’t argue with the fact that being bad a sex was an aid to survival of these particular parrots but I would love an explanation of how a blind chance natural selection used survival of the fittest to select those birds that were worst at sex!
As for Global Warming, I’m sure that Governor Perry has noticed the extreme weather around the world, and particularly that in Texas, but it may well be that, like me, he thinks it is unlikely to be caused by excess carbon dioxide - although there is every possibility it is a symptom of the disease.
However, if science can offer a convincing explanation of how excess CO2 can cause earthquakes (even in places not usually efected by quakes) and volcanoes to erupt then I might be more inclined to believe that there is some possibility that they might be on the right track.
Certainly, it seems more likely that since it is happening here and now that they there is significantly more chance that they can figure out what’s affecting the weather than understand how the Universe began umpteen billions of years ago.
It’s worth bearing in mind that these same scientists told us that space was cold and empty yet now they say that beyond our Solar System space is about as hot as it is at the surface of our sun!
So, for those who believe that science is infallible and that anyone who doubts its theories must be stupid should think again!
They should check and they will find that many of the claims which are sneakily offered as certainties by those who wish to weaken the faith of those who believe in God are merely the opinions of a few dedicated atheists who would rather we worshiped at their altar than worship God.
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I woke up, and couldn't
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I spose I am an odd duck.
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Hello Mangone, I've come to
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