night of the armed siege

By Mark Burrow
- 1296 reads
the bloke who lives two-doors down
likes to sit on the steps of his flat
“hey, you want a pair of jeans?” he says
i’m tired after school – that bored-tired
of sitting in hot classrooms, not learning
as morons mouth-off at scared teachers
“they’re a bargain,” he goes
so, i walk into the flat
he closes the door behind me &
i see it's laddered with locks & chains
the hallway has a rack of dresses
& the lounge looks like
the stockroom of a 7-Eleven
his daughter is on the sofa
watching a cartoon & feeding her baby
“what’s he doing here?” she says, tutting
the man shows me a box of jeans
“these’ll go fast,” he says
& he looks at my no-brand shoes
“i have trainers. good ones”
i buy jeans & an adidas tracksuit
with money from my saturday job
he doesn’t have trainers in my size
he can get some, tho, he tells me
brand new. maybe next week
if I want them
i return home & mum is
crying in the living room
she wants to top herself
i tell her it’ll be alright, giving her a hug
i feed the dog & go to my room
to try on the jeans & then the tracksuit
i lie on my single bed
light up a joint & listen
to Percy Sledge’s, When a Man Loves a Woman
thinking about a girl in my class
later that night the bloke
two-doors down is arrested
armed police aim semi-automatics & pistols
at his flat, talking into radios, blue lights flashing
a plain-clothes copper
uses a bullhorn to tell us
to stay in our homes &
keep away from the windows
mum is on the phone
doing a running commentary to nan
standing by the bedroom window
she sounds happy & alive (for once)
the guy eventually walks out slow
hands behind his head
he’s told to get face-down on the road
plain-clothes coppers put on the handcuffs
i realise I’m never getting my trainers
mum yells at me to take the dog out
i put on its lead and everyone is opening their doors
leaving their flats to catch a glimpse of the guy
being pushed into the back of the meat wagon
the air crackles like a night-game in a football stadium
i see the daughter being led to a police car
screaming at a woman who is carrying her baby
i head to the playground, letting snoopy off his lead
wondering if i’ll have the guts to ask out the girl in my class
&, if we go on a date, whether she’ll like my new jeans
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A vivid story very much alive
A vivid story very much alive in the imagery conjured by your words. I can relate to the disconnect between the seriousness of the siege and the boy's relatively mundane thoughts. I think I have been here in the past. Maybe we all have..
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my heart was in my mouth when
my heart was in my mouth when that boy went into the flat and then the next line was about all the locks - so glad it didn't go where I worried it might!
anyway - you've captured a sense of chaotic disfunction, everything being on the edge of ..something, so perfectly in such a short piece - this is very well done Mark
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So cleverly written, Mark,
So cleverly written, Mark, managing to get all that action, information and introspection into so few words. The characters, and the narrator's voice, are so clear. A joy to read.
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Pick of the Day
This beautifully rich and vivid poem is our Facebook and Twitter Pick of the Day! Please do share/retweet if you enjoy it too.
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