The Judge.

By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 225 reads
I love watching Judge Judy. I watch her almost every morning, usually on my day off, and while I am having breakfast or lunch. I love the things she says.
One of the things I have seen her say to two different people, was along these lines, “I believe in a higher power, and I believe, that if you do good, good will happen to you.” It is the second part that I love the most, when she says, “If you do bad, or you are indeed guilty of this crime then, bad things will happen to you.” Then it gets even better, when she says, “If nothing bad does not happen to you, then it Will happen to someone You love, maybe not today, or next year, but it will happen down the line.”
She lays it on thick, it is almost like she has placed a curse on them, for there is no proof at the end of the case, but she ‘knows’ they have done it, and because there is no evidence, they will now be let off Scott free. It is true, the guilty do sometimes get away with it, and they are smug in the knowledge, that they don’t have to pay ……. now or ever. But there is a different type of payment, that money cannot buy!
Jez, is a very wealthy landlord, who I wrote about recently called ‘Good Money After Bad,’ And the story called ‘Jez’ it is case closed for him, he didn’t have to repay back the £2,000 plus that belongs to my son Daniel, he’s add Daniels money to his millions.
I believe in a higher Judge too, the God of Heaven who sees us all, the good and bad that we do. Although it hurts me, that I have now given up trying to get his money back, and the Courts and Bailiffs, who Daniel faithfully trusted and paid them, nothing happened at all they just took his money, and that was it.
I DO believe in Blessings and curses, but I will only Bless a person, not curse.
I have therefore decided to leave Jez to God. To the God who see Me, Daniel, and Jez. xXx
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