The Mystery.

By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 1269 reads
This morning, as I was having my quiet time, before starting my day, suddenly my large dog started to dream, and it was clear by her actions that she was running. She was running SO fast one of her back legs was touching one of her front legs, yet she still didn’t wake up.
The other six sleeping cats in the same room, didn’t wake up, as they are used to her occasional dreams.
Misty carried on running in her sleep, for another minute or so and then she stopped.
It did amaze, that she and I both dream. It got me thinking again, where do dreams come from? Why do we dream? She can never tell me her dreams, and now I am older, I don’t remember any of my dreams, when years ago, they were SO vivid, and sometimes came true.
I love Misty, she is a good girl, I could tell she was happy, so I had to conclude, she was in a field chasing something, or looking for food, that had been left for the birds.
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Where would we be without
Where would we be without dreams, that time to escape reality, to beable to travel and do things we can no longer achieve. I dream every night and look forward to my nightly conquests, moving from one scene to another in seconds.
I bet Misty was enjoying the run wherever it may have taken her.
You've touched on a subject that I'm really interested in.
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I think it's sometimes our
I think it's sometimes our brains replaying events, so maybe she was dreaming of happy runs in the past?
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I am pleased to read your
I am pleased to read your evidence of animals dreaming too. Dreams are quite fascinating. I just wish I could write mine down, but they are gone before I can get the pen in my hand usually!
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I certainly did not expect dogs to dream, but why not? Interesting little piece !!!
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