William Dix.

By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 129 reads
I remember watching Dangerous Liaisons, with John Malkovich in it, he was SO good in it for years after, I still hated him, and was unable to watch anything with him in it. After about 10 plus years I was 'ok' until It was years after that, I was 100% ok with him. I now appreciate now what a brilliant actor he is.
Last night, when I woke up on the sofa, like I do most nights, a black and white film had started, I had no intention of watching it, even though I love black and white films.
I looked to see what it was called. I loved the actress in it, I thought I had seen all the films she had been in, I didn't recall this one.
I quickly got into the film, I was hooked! The lad in the film, I absolutely destested the him who starred in it. Hi played a 10 year old, each time my husband came into the room I wwould say something like, "I can't wait for him to get his comeuppance!" I would also add, "He's a horrible spoilt child!"
I looked on the telly programme guide, and his name didn't even come up on the first 4 people in the film! I wondered, if it was because it was his first role, and the other actors were all very well known.
I don't know if he went on to have win an oscar, if not he should have. It was so good, I didn't even fall asleep again, I had to see how it ended, how he got found out.
The main actress who we all know so well, she is just 10 out of 10 and we who know her work, we could probably guess how it was going to end.
All the characters were very good, but for me only one stood out and it was the brilliant William Dix in The Nanny.
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