Bo-Bo And The Flight Down Under
By mcscraic
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Bo-Bo And The Flight Down Under
By Paul McCann
Bo-Bo was making his way through the snow to the corner shop for a bottle of milk when he saw Charlie in front of him kind of slipping and sliding along the footpath like a young child at play on his way to the sweet shop.
Bo-Bo called out a friendly hello and Charlie turned around nearly loosing his balance on the icy footpath.
Bo-Bo almost burst out laughing at Charlies frantic antics to keep on his feet.
As he made his way to Charlie who seemed a little embarrassed he rolled up a snowball and threw it at Charlie hitting him on the shoulder.
“Well hello Charlie isn’t it a lovely day ?“
Charlie responded.
“It’s ffrr..frr freezing Bo-Bo .“
“What has you out in the cold then?”
Bo-Bo asked.
“I’m picking up a parcel at the post office from my cousin in Australia. “
Charlie replied with pride and confidence.
“You never told me you had a cousin in Australia. “
Bo-Bo said and Charlie smiled like a cat over a bowl of milk...
“His name is Danno and every year he sends me a parcel with a few things for Christmas...“
Bo-Bo noticed Charlie was enjoying the fact that his secret was now out in the open and said.
“I never told you Charlie but I have had two pen-friends in Australia and they’ve been sending me parcels for years.”
The smile ran away from Charlies face like a squirrel with a nut up a tree in the winter chill.
“I never told you Bo-Bo because I didn’t think you’d be interested. “
Said Charlie who began to look down to the ground and fumble with his fingers.
Bo-Bo became aware of a kind of guilt in Charlie’s voice and he said.
“The only reason you never told me Charlie was because you didn’t want to share your sweets and chocolate from Australia. “
Bo-Bo kind of nudged Charlie on his right shoulder which made him loose his balance a little but Bo-Bo reached out and steadied him before he fell.
“Thanks for that Bo-Bo. I nearly went for a sixer there and that’s not how it is at all Bo-Bo. I never told you about my cousin because I have a big surprise to tell you just as soon as Danno makes the final arrangements.”
Bo-Bo looked closely into Charlies face.
“So tell me Charlie what exactly are these final arrangements?
“I can’t say yet Bo-Bo.”
Bo-Bo looked a little more interested and said
“So how soon will you know when you’re able to tell me Charlie ?”
“Maybe today when I open the parcel or maybe not . Who knows I’m not sure when Danno can book the tickets .“
‘What tickets Charlie ?“
Said Bo-Bo was now seeing a break in the clouds .
“ Did I say tickets ?”
Charlie said , back pedalling and looking for somewhere else to go .
Bo-Bo put his arm around Charlie and replied .
Yes Charlie you did and what tickets are you talking about .“
Charlie looked like a skater on thin ice and started waving his arms up in the air .
“Well ok then Bo-Bo I’ll tell you but I wanted it to be a surprise at Christmas .
My cousin Danno has invited me over for a few weeks for a holiday in Australia .
He has offered to buy two tickets . One for me and the other for a friend and I was going to ask if you wanted to go Bo-Bo . The only thing that he’s waiting for is my yes or no .“
“Bo-Bo said
“Well Charlie what are you waiting for. Tell him yes we’re coming.”
Charlie looked a little worried and replied.
“Well see the thing is Bo-Bo I’ve never been away from home for more that a weekend. “
“Grow up Charlie you’re nearly twenty years of age and you’re at a point in your life when you have to spread your wings and fly. Leave the nest for longer times and fly to the freedom of far off places. “
Oh I’m not sure if I can Bo-Bo “
Said Charlie.
Bo-Bo laughed and gave Charlie a big pat on his back nearly knocking him off his feet again and said.
“Australia is where we should go at this time of the year Charlie. It’s sunny and warm and not frosty and cold.”
Charlie still looked unsure.
“I don’t know Bo-Bo. I have freckles and my skin can’t take the sun. “
Bo-Bo looked up at the sky and replied.
‘God give me patience, Charlie I’ll get you some sun cream to protect your skin.”
Charlie was still not happy and said,
“I’ve heard there are these huge rats that hop around all over the place down there and there are things that wriggle and crawl like spiders and snakes .“
Bo-Bo grabbed Charlies knee with his hand and said,
“Oh no look there’s a spider on you’re knee “
Charlie screamed and jumped in the air and ended up on slipping and hitting the snowy ground. Bo-Bo bent over and offered Charlie his hand to get him back on his but Charlie was still too worried looking for the imaginary spider.
“I was just kidding Charlie. There’s no spider there and they’re no such things as huge rats they’re called kangaroos. Come on Charlie it’s an adventure .Lets go “
Charlie reached out and took Bo-Bo’s hand and got back to his feet and said.
“Ok then Bo-Bo I let Danno know we’re coming to Australia for the New Year.”
“Now that’s more like it Charlie. We’ll have a ball, me and you and the huge rats and spiders and snakes and all. “
Charlie let out a big scream and said,
“That’s it Bo-Bo I’m not going.”
“Yes we are going and that’s the end of it Charlie. Tell Danno we’re packing our bags for Australia and to send two return tickets over. “
“Ok then Bo-Bo, I’ll let him know “
Said Charlie and Bo-Bo rubbed his hands together.
“Meanwhile Charlie I’m going to get us some sponsors to raise extra spondulics for our trip down under.”
“What are a sponsors and spondulics all about Bo-Bo “
Said Charlie. “
“It’s like money for jam Charlie. We’re gong to become advertising gurus with brand names all over us. We’ll have stickers all over our suitcases, local business logos on tea shirts and money in our pockets. Leave it to me Charlie. “
“Bo-Bo do you think I could get a sticker that says Have A Chat With Charlie? “
“Well I’ll see what I can do. Now as soon as you’ve word about the tickets, let me know and we’ll go m you and me Charlie off on our adventure to oz. “
Weeks passed as the snow fell thick over the town.
After the jingle bells rung and the decorations were hung and all the Christmas carols were sung young Charlie and Bo-Bo were standing in a queue at the airport with a suitcase plastered with stickers in each hand. They both wore caps with the name of the local business on them and scarfs with design logos all on show and made possible by a brainwave from Bo-Bo.
Their new sponsors had gave Bo-Bo and Charlie the extra spondulics they needed for the holiday down under .
They were soon on board the big Jet aircraft that was ready for take off.
The aeroplane thundered down the runway and lifted off the ground into the sky.
Bo-Bo was excited and Charlie was terrified. When the seat belt sign was turned off Bo-Bo noticed Charlie had his hands joined in prayer and made a comment...
“Charlie if I didn’t know you better I’d say you were turning religious. “
Charlie answered,
“Oh God we’re up so high Bo-Bo, don’t let me die God up here in the sky on this aeroplane miles from anywhere. “
Bo-Bo replied,
“Stop worrying for heavens sake Charlie. Just sit back and relax. We’ll soon be in the land down under. “
Charlie responded in a worried tone.
“Bo-Bo would you please not say that down under thing. “
Bo-Bo tried not to laugh and said.
“What are you worried about anyway?”
Charlie looked out the window of the aircraft and said,
“What if those engines on the wings out there break down?
Bo-Bo replied.
“They’ll not break down. They test them all before take off.”
Charlie though for a few moments and said,
“What if another plane hits us or we get hit by a bolt of lightening? “
Bo-Bo said,
“Will you just stop worrying? Look if your numbers up m your numbers up and there’s nothing anyone can do about it ok. Just relax and we’ll soon be down under I mean on the ground. “
Charlie took a deep breath and said,
“Well I suppose you’re right Bo-Bo.”
Bo-Bo replied
“That’s better m now just settle down. “
Charlie was quiet for a few minutes and then he said.
“But what if the pilot’s number’s up? “
Bo-Bo looked up in the air and said,
“Charlie I’m telling you now if you don’t stop all this and keep quiet, I’ll have to ask the flight crew to put you off the plane.”
Charlie nearly turned blue and said,
“I’m sorry Bo-Bo, please don’t do that. I’ll try not to panic anymore. “
Bo-Bo said,
“Right then. No more. “
A few minutes of silence passed and Charlie said,
“Bo-Bo I need to go to go somewhere to do something. “
“What do you mean something somewhere? Speak proper or not at all “
Said Bo-Bo and Charlie replied,
“I need to visit the men’s room. “
Bo-Bo replied,
“You’ll have to wait Charlie. “
“I can’t wait Bo-Bo. “
Charlie said.
Bo-Bo called the air hostess and asked where the gent’s toilets were. She pointed to the front of the aircraft and then walked off.
Bo-Bo said,
“Off you go. I see you when you get back Charlie. “
“ Bo-Bo I need your help. I think I need to change my trousers. “
Charlie said and Bo-Bo began to give Charlie a hard stare and said.
“You’ve got to kidding me Charlie. All your clothes are packed away in your suitcase and you can’t get that until the plane is landed “.
“Please Bo-Bo can’t you do something. “
Charlie pleaded,
Bo-Bo escorted Charlie to the men’s room and told Charlie to stay in there until he returned. Then he went to speak with the cabin crew.
Luckily some of the crew had some spare trousers on board and were more than happy to hand them over to help.
Bo-Bo returned to the means room and handed Charlie an empty rubbish bag and a new set of trousers for Charlie.
Bu the time the plane landed in Sydney Charlie had gone through all the spare trousers on board.
As Bo-Bo and Charlie made their way off the plane to the customs and then to.
“Charlie said,
“You’re not going to tell the lads about all what happened are you Bo-Bo?”
Bo-Bo smiled and replied,
“Charlie what happens in the air stays in the air ok “
Charlie looked relieved and began to be more like himself again.
He started hopping on both his feet ahead of Bo-Bo and said,
“What am I Bo-Bo? Tell me do you know. “
Bo-Bo stood there and shook his head.
Charlie kept hopping and Bo-Bo said.
‘Are you the Ester bunny?”
“Don’t be silly Bo-Bo can’t you see I’m a kangaroo. “
Bo-Bo walked on faster leaving Charlie behind a little. After a while he looked back and saw Charlie was still hopping after him. It looked so funny Bo-Bo had a bit of a laugh. It didn’t take them long to collect their suitcases and make their way out through customs to the arrival section where hundreds of people waited for family and friends.
Bo-Bo stopped there and looked around for a few minutes and then said,
“So what does your cousin Danno look like?”
Charlie replied,
”I don’t know Bo-Bo. We only wrote letters. I’ve never actually seen him before. “
Bo-Bo was stunned and said,
“Charlie you are having me on aren’t you?”
“Sorry Bo-Bo. I never thought. Hang on a minute and I call him. “
Suddenly Charlie started to scream out at the top of his voice,
“Danno. It’s me, your cousin Charlie. Can you hear me Danno?”
Everyone began to look at Charlie; Bo-Bo almost had to gag him to keep him quiet before saying. With his hand over Charlies mouth Bo-Bo said
“I need you to listen very carefully to me Charlie. When I remove my hand from your mouth you are not to make a sound. Do I make myself clear Charlie? Nod if you understand because if I hear one peep out of you, I’ll disown you, ok? ”
As he nodded Bo-Bo slowly removed his hands from Charlie’s mouth he continued,
“I’m going to have a look around the airport and while I’m doing than I want you to say nothing , stay right by my side and pretend just for once , you are in control .“
Suddenly Charlie began to hop up and down like a kangaroo. Bo-Bo was not impressed but Charlie was not making a sound. He just kept pointing at something
The Bo-Bo could see why Charlie was so excited. There was a tall man standing at the front of a crowd of people holding up a big sign with bold lettering that said Welcome to Australia Charlie and Bo-Bo.
Charlie ran over and grabbed the man by the arm and said.
“Hello I’m Charlie , you must be my cousin Danno. “
The man gave Charlie a big hug and a slap on the back and said,
“G’day mate .Great you could make it. We’ve heaps to do. So let’s go. What a bottler of a holiday we’re going to have.”
The End
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This reminded me of
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This is like the script for
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Doesn't that just show how
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