Bo-Bo Found A Life - Chapter 12
By mcscraic
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Bo-Bo Found A Life
A Novel
By Paul McCann
Chapter 12
At The Barricades
When ever the local community had a problem they called a meeting .
The most recent problem was the current spate of anti social behaviour in the village and the Lord mayor had to address the problem before it escalated any further . So he called by the local boxing club to see if he could use the hall for a meeting on Thursday evening
Bo-Bo was there as always instructing some of his boxers in the ring .
The Lord mayor approached the ringside and began to throw a flurry of combinations . Jabs, right hooks and an uppercut . Bo-Bo looked over from the corner of the ring and said ,
“Put down those fists before you hurt yourself . “
Then he jumped over the ropes and landed directly in front of the Lord Mayor .
He looked right into his eyes . Then the Lord Mayor said ,
“Well Bo-Bo what do you think . Have I still got it ?”
“Got what ?” Bo-Bo replied .
“The eye of the tiger .“ The Mayor replied .
Bo-Bo looked very closely into the Mayors eyes and proceeded to walk slowly around his back and then he whispered in his ear .
“ Well I’d say if you do maybe you should give it back . One eyed tigers could be a danger to the community .“
They both began to laugh aloud and Bo-Bo caught his breath again and said ,
“What can I do for you Lord Mayor ?”
“ Well Bo-Bo the thing is the people respect you as a coach and a leader in the community . I need to ask a favour .“
“Sure thing .” Said Bo-Bo”
“I want to call a meeting here at the club on Thursday evening and I was hoping you could be chairman .“
Bo-Bo called out to the boys in the ring and asked them to put things away for the day . Then he brought the Lord Mayor into his little office . He closed the door and they both sat down .
“So what’s the problem then .“ Bo-Bo asked .
“Well Bo-Bo you know since the riots broke out with the police things have been bad . Now that the police won’t patrol in the village anymore we have to keep the law and order ourselves . Last week in the village we’ve had three people beaten up, four homes destroyed, five shops broken into and paint bombs thrown over the church windows . It’s coming from outside the area and I think we need to put a stop to it right away .”
“What makes you think the trouble is coming in from outside the village ?” Bo-Bo asked .
“Well a few of the men coming out of Maguire’s pub last Friday night spotted a gang in the grounds of the school . They had a few petrol bombs . After they were chased one of them fell and got caught . Some of the men squeezed information from him . That’s how I know Bo-Bo . They’re from the village down the road a little . ”
The Mayor clinched his fist and Bo-Bo said .
“I can see your worried . Sure I’ll help anyway I can . I’ll get some posters made up and let everyone know about the meeting on Thursday . “
“I knew I could count on you Bo-Bo. If you need anything .judt let me know . Ok Bo-Bo and thanks ”
The Mayor got up and walked out of the club .
Bo-Bo followed close behind . After he locked up the club, he made his way to Charlies house, where he continued to knock the front door until Charlie stuck his head out the window and said .
“Hello Bo-Bo . I though I heard someone knock.” Bo-Bo put his hands on his head said ,
“Well come on then don’t just sit like a statue Charlie . I’ve got some spare change and I though we could go to the movies this evening .”
In the mad rush to get out the door Charlie almost busted his head on the window frame . A few seconds later Charlie was standing beside Bo-Bo rubbing his head . Bo-Bo took a close look at the bump on his fore head and said ,
“Sorry Charlie I think we better leave off the movies until that bump has healed so until then we’ve got some posters to make up .“
There was a long silence and Charlie stood there with the smile wiped away completely and then he said ,
“What kind of posters and how many are we going to make ?”
“Enough to put up around so everyone in the village can see them “ Bo-Bo replied .
“Is this a job we’re going to get paid for Bo-Bo ?” Charlie asked .
Bo-Bo patted Charlie on the back and said ,
“Sometimes Charlie we do special things for the community for free and Charlie, this is one of those special times “
After another long silence Charlie said .
“ Ok . So we’re going to make these special posters and put them up all over the place just for the love of our community . Is that the way it is then ?”
“You’ve got it so now lets get things organized . Charlie I’m proud of you .“
“That’s fine Bo-Bo but what about the movies .“
“After the meeting on Thursday I’ll bring you to the movie of your choice . Hows that ?”
“OK Bo-Bo can we go and see Bambi . I’ve always wanted to see that movie and its on at the Vic .
“Who is Bambi ?.“ Bo-Bo asked .
Charlie answered , “ Bambi is a cartoon all about this cute little deer, who finds lots of friends and has a great big adventure in a forest .”
Bo-Bo shook his head and said ,
“Charlie I always knew there was a place in the world for people like Bambi me and you .“
All that evening Bo-Bo and Charlie worked on the posters for Thursday . Then the next day they placed posters all around the village . On Thursday evening the community had gathered inside the boxing club . Chairs were laid out in rows ten deep and ten wide . The crowd was made up of local shopkeepers, school teachers and parents, kids and clerics . Bo-Bo stood there in the middle of the ring . When things quietened down he took the microphone and said .
“I would like to welcome everyone here this evening . The meeting is now open for discussion .”
A hand was raised by a small boy in the front who said ,.
“Excuse me Bo-Bo can I use the toilet first ?”
Everone laughed and Bo-Bo continued ,
Ok hurry up and if anyone else wants to go please go now before the meeting starts .“
A dozen people shuffled towards the toilets and finally when the young and old people settled Bo-Bo took the mic and again began to talk .
“As a community we need to discuss the senseless destruction . Some of you may have seen paint splattered on windows and walls . Others may have heard about the shops and buildings that were broken into . Well it has been made known that the people who did this are not form our village . They are outsiders who have come into our village and friends we must find a way to keep them out . If you have something to say raise your hand and I’ll call you into the ring .“
A hand in the back was raised . Bo-Bo said ,
“Sure enough then come on up Mr Maguire .
Mr Maguire made his way into the ring and took the microphone .
“As the local publican I have seen a bit of trouble in my time .
I have found the only way to stop fights was to bar the people concerned from coming in to the pub .“
Everyone applauded. Bo-Bo responded .
“That’s great Mr Maguire . So with that thought in mind tell me has anybody got an idea how we can bar these troublemakers from coming into our village and making trouble for us .“
A few more hands were raised . One by one ideas were put forward and at the end of the meeting it was decided to put up two barricades at each end of town . Blocking the entrance to the two main roads that went in and out of the village . It was decided that until the trouble was over vigilantes would be placed on duty twenty four hours a day . It was a simple enough solution and all that had to be done was get the names of all those people who could go on guard duty each day . It was decided that the vigilantes would stop all those who came in and out of the village and if needed they could be at times searched . The building of the barricades began the very next morning . People brought out old furniture and planks of wood . Concrete slabs were brought and some people even donated a unwanted cars . The barricades were erected and on the first night’s roster Bo-Bo and Charlie were part of the number on guard duty .
It was cold dark and well after midnight . Bo-Bo lit a fire inside a large drum beside the main barricade . Somebody approached slowly and Charlie jumped to his feet with a real sense of community spirit and holding up a broom he shouted ,
“Stop right were you are or else .“
“Or else what Charlie, you’ll brush my hair and sweep me of my feet .“
It was Mrs Murphy the bakers wife. She started to laugh . In her hands she held a tray with tea and scones .
“Here . This will keep you going for a while boys .“ She said .
Bo-Bo took the tray and answered , “Oh Mrs Murphy you are kind .“
“Just leave the cups and plates outside my front door and I’ll get them in the morning Bo-Bo .”
As she walked off Bo-Bo said to Charlie ,
“Charlie maybe the next time someone approaches you could say , Stop who goes there and that way you’ll know if it’s a friend or not .“
“That’s a good idea .“ Charlie replied .
After they finished their tea and scones Bo-Bo and Charlie were standing around the fire . In the back ground Charlie could hear the shuffling of feet . He turned to face the person who approached the barricade and said ,
“Stop who goes there .“
The answer came back . “What .“
“I said stop who goes there.” Charlie said .
The voice said , “I can’t hear you . You’ll have to speak up “.
Charlie said , “Stop . Who goes there?.“
Bo-Bo patted Charlie in the shoulder and said .,
“When you address some one at the barricade Charlie put some authority in your voice and project force behind it like this . Stop ! Who goes there ! “
From out of the darkness an old man walked over and stood by the fire .
“Oh it’s just Mrs Muldoon from number 52 .” Said Charlie .
“ I had my hearing aid turned down and couldn’t hear a word you said .
Sorry to trouble you Bo-Bo I couldn’t sleep and then I heard all this commotion outside . You know Charlies Mum and Dad are out looking for him everywhere . They are in a frantic state and can’t find him anywhere .”
“Oh Jeazuz Bo-Bo I’m in big trouble .I forgot to tell Mum and Dad I was on guard duty tonight at the barricade .”
As Charlie ran off down the street Bo-Bo turned around as he heard a heavy set of footsteps approach the barricade . Before the person got any closer Bo-Bo jumped out in front of who ever was there and shouted out , Stop ! Who goes there ! “
“Jesus Mary and Joseph !.” Said Mr Mc Ateer who was on his way home from his night shift job .
Bo-Bo saw the funny side of it and replied , “Its ok the holy family is allowed through .“
Well Bo-Bo and Mr McAteer started to both laugh and at it was now the dawn of a new day and the village was quiet . Mr McAteer offered to do weekend guard duty on the barricade if needed .
Next day after a sleep Bo-Bo met Charlie in the village .
“Hello Charlie .“
“Hello Bo-Bo . I can’t talk long . I’m doing a message for Mum and she’s been busting my back since Friday . I never told her about doing guard duty . “
“Why didn’t you tell her ?” Bo-Bo asked .
“Well I kind of forgot and anyway she probably would have said no. So it was better I forgot in case I let you down .“ Charlie replied .
“You’re funny Charlie “
Bo-Bo could see Charlie was a little sad and decided to give him a lift .
“ So are you ready for Bambi then . He said .
Charlie’s little smile returned to has face again .
Bo-Bo continued “Tonight then at seven . I’ll call for you ”
“I don’t think my Mum will let me after the business the other night .“ Charlie replied .
“Leave it to me I’ll have a talk with her Charlie .“ Bo-Bo said .
That evening Bo-Bo and Charlie went to the movies . They had a great time and even bought some fish and chips on the way home. Next day the news was all over the village . A gang of troublemakers was caught at the barricade and had been handed over to the police . It seemed that a small group of youths had been on a terror trail all over town . Now that they were locked up in jail the Lord Mayor was pleased and presented a special award to Bo-Bo and all of the vigilantes who manned the barricades .
End Od Chapter 12
Bo-Bo Found A Life
Link to chapter 13
By Paul McCann
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