Charlie And Midge - Chapter 11

By mcscraic
- 93 reads
Charlie And Midge
A Novel
By Paul McCann
Chapter 11
A Day Out
Charlie and Midge arrived in Dublin and had a walk around looking at some of the old buildings around the city centre on their way to the National art gallery . When they got to the entrance at Merrion Square a crowd had gathered at the front door , so they fell in behind them and waited to go inside .
As they went inside one of the gallery staff was there counting the people coming through and just after Charlie and Midge went inside , the security put up some bollards and a rope to stop anyone else from coming in .
Charlie and Midge began to look around the art gallery and found there was an exhibition on with the works of a famous artist being shown to the public .
Charlie and Midge were unaware that they had somehow been included with there who had all pre-paid for their private tour of the art gallery and admission to the current exhibition . Midge and Charlie were mistakenly admitted as part of this select group of people from the art world who
stood around drinking champagne from tall glasses and eating the canvas food being brought around.
Charlie and Midge helped themselves to what was on offer and Charlie said .
“They’re very kind here Midge handing out free food and drinks to everyone “
Midge replied ,
“ They are very generous Charlie “
Everyone chatted away and no one bothered speaking to Charlie and Midge so they wandered through into sone of the sections of the art gallery looking at the artworks on display .
There was someone sitting playing the piano for the audience passing by.
Midge and Charlie applauded after each song . after a brief talk with the pianist he invited her to play something . She thanked him and accepted his offer to play .
So she sat and played an old folk song called , 'Siúl a Rúin'.
As people applauded Midge, the pianist asked her to play another tune so she played an American folk tune called Shenandoah .
After that she and Charlie made their way through into other areas of the gallery looking at all the paintings that were hung on walls .
They would occasionally stop and make a few comments about some of the art works. Charlie would say ,
“ Give that one there a title Midge”
or Midge would say ,
“ There’s a story to this picture . It would make a good movie Charlie .“
After they were finished looking at the art works Charlie said ,
“We may as well make a day of it Midge . Why don’t we go to the zoo while we’re here ? “
“ Charlie, that would be just great . I’ve never been to a zoo. “
So both of them headed off to Phoenix Park .
Being always one who could find things out , Charlie asked a local man on the street if there was a bus that went to the zoo and the firs man replied ..
“Why do you want a bus to go to the zoo , sure doesn’t my brother work there and haven’t I got to there anyway to bring his lunch that he left in the house . So you’re welcome to come with along with me if you want “
Charlie and Midge were very grateful for the lift .
As soon as they got there the kind man spoke to his brother at the zoom and organised two free admission tickets for Charlie and Midge to get in to the zoo
Once inside they saw a sign , to the Monkeys cage and went straight there .
Midge screamed like a little kid ,
"Oh look at the monkeys Charlie . ”.
They went over to the monkey section , where a large group of monkeys lived in their monkey sanctuary with man made river running between the monkey house and the fence that was bordered by rocks and trees with lots of ropes and things for them to climb and swing on . It looked very realistic and a natural habitat for them.
Charlie started to call out to some of the monkeys who were responding to his calls .
Then started making funny faces at the monkeys who in turn made faces back at Charlie . This game continued for a short while then suddenly one of the monkeys ran over to the front of the cage and reached out from behind the cage to grab Charlies hat from his head . Then the small monkey put Charlies hat on top of his head and with one finger up in the air as if pointing to the hat , the monkey looked at Charlie with a mischievous big smile as if to say ,
“ Look I’ve got your hat and you’re not getting it back “
Sure enough didn’t Charlie climb up the wire cage and then jump over into the monkey enclosure .
Charlie began to chase the monkey with the hat . The little monkey scaled up a tree then started swinging from ropes he laughed back at Charlie waving his hat in jest . By this time a small crowd had gathered around the monkey enclosure thinking it was part of a show the zoo had put on for the public .
Charlie started running after the monkey who leapt from tree to tree with the hat and everywhere the monkeys went Charlie followed .
The audience began to throw coins and bank notes in to the monkey enclosure .
All of a suddenly Charlie managed to catch up with the monkey and grabbed back his hat from the monkey who was now swinging from a high trapeze that was placed there for the monkeys by the staff at the zoo .
When the audience had dispersed Charlie climbed back over the wire fence , where Midge was waiting and she said ,
“Charlie If you don’t stop that carrying on, we’ll be locked up in here for good “
They both walked around looking at the other animals there .
Then it was feeding time and everyone there watched as the animals were fed.
After a while when they had seen all the animals Charlie and Midge a
made their way out of the zoo . It was getting late now and so they left to catch the train to Safe Harbour .
Sure enough it was a big day out for Charlie and midge and they had enjoyed their time there
End of chapter 11
Charlie And Midge
A Novel - By Paul McCann
link to chapter 12
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