Circulating The Blood With Hot Toddy
By mcscraic
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I was speaking to Teddy Rooney originally from The Falls in West
Belfast about his band Hot Toddy from Brisbane who have propelled
themselves onto the music charts with one of the country's best selling
albums, which was entitled "Songs Inspired by The Titanic " . With over
150,000 albums sold and a Platinum disc to their credit Hot Toddy have
just released the follow up album entitled Celtic Fire .
Hot Toddy although based in Queensland Australia have toured
extensively on many places around the world . I'd like to share with
you some of the things we spoke of .
I began by asking Teddy what the band has been doing lately .
" Well as you know we've just got the new CD out , Celtic Fire . The
next thing is we're putting out an independent album called
Santa Christmas Ceili . It should be finished within the week "
" Teddy are you pleased with the Celtic Fire Album ?"
" I honestly think this is a good selection of Irish traditional music
played in Hot Toddys own style . There is two of the bands own tunes
Ciaras Tunes and Xanthorrhoea , on the album .
If you listen to our first two independent cds Beyond The Pale and The
Waking Edge you find that this is a variation to those. "
"I've heard both thos albums and was impressed by the new direction Hot
Toddy has made from traditional to rock "
"Hot Toddy want to get it across that this band is not just a Celtic
Rock band , they can do traditional music as well ."
" Will the band begin a tour to boost sales for Celtic Fire ?"
"Yes ,we've had offers from P.J. O'Briens in Melbourne , who have
bought 40 cds of the Celtic Fire to give to their patrons .
So we looking at a tour of Victoria in June . We have been asked to
play in Cairns in January , and we are booked to play at the City Hall
in Brisbane during St Patrick's day "
" It must be hectic time putting a tour schedule together , especially
when most of the band members are kept busy in their other professions
. When do you come up for air ?"
" It is very hectic . For the simple reason that Hot Toddy is
semi-professional . In the sense that all the band are teachers and
work for the government in well paid jobs . They do this for the love
of it , and that's the beauty of this band . When they go out and play
for people they enjoy doing it and it shows in their live performances
. I mean its not for the love of money ."
" I know that Hot Toddy have been getting around the place .Touring can
be a bit of a gamble at times . Theres always the chance of anything
happening anywhere , anytime .
Sometimes when the cards are falling well its best to let it all ride .
Have you found any combination useful for the band ?"
" Well after the Sydney tour we went to Europe , then we got involved
with the Titanic thing . It kind of snowballed . We did
everything ourselves . We did it for very little money . Within that ,
there where Managers of Irish pubs around the place who wanted us back
. This band is worth every penny they get paid . We do it for the fun
of it ."
" I've found there are two kinds of musicians . Those who make music
and those who make money . Teddy I think Hot Toddy are a band who make
" They play from the heart . They love the music and believe in what
they're doing "
" It must be in the blood "
"Its got to be"
"Teddy it was nice talking to you "
" Same here , all the best , Slante "
Currently Irish music is on fire in Australia and Hot Toddy have hit a
welcome note with their music on this new album Celtic Fire . The
energy of the band have electrifed a lively cut of Irish Trad tunes
that are really popular with Australian audiences .The album is without
doubt the bands best to date .
I'm looking forward to the follow up album .
By Paul McCann
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