Gods Voice In The World
By mcscraic
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Gods plan for the world is unique and perfect in every way .
As humans we have always found inventions to benefit the world . New
medicines to cure sickness and disease . New ways of thinking to bridge
the gaps of ignorance . Even though we credit all these things to
ourselves we sometimes forget who made this all possible .
God has given us all the resources we need to build a better way of
life for the human race and here on earth we found technology and
forgot how to listen to God's voice.
The earth we live on was created by God . When God created the Earth
and everything in it , his plan for our existence spanned eons of time
From the first moment there was light God was pleased with all he saw
When God placed trees in the ground , animals in the sea and birds in
the air , many substances where beginning to form beneath the earths
crust .
So in a sense the planet earth has always had metal ores , coal ,
plants , chemicals , oils ,
electrical particles , and all the other natural elements we are aware
of . Which raises the question what else exists on the planet that we
still haven't tapped into yet .
Could there be plants and minerals to cure aids and cancer ?
As long as there are genuine people to continue the research into these
areas then the human race has a chance to discover these miracle drugs
. Sometimes we need to be a little like Moses and walk in the
wilderness for a long time before we find what we are looking for
Could there be new fuels waiting to be discovered ?
Instead of new fuels maybe the answer is new methods of transport other
that the petrol driven machines we have today .
Could there be a very simple answer to global warming ?
Now with the protection of the planet Earths environment that has
become a big concern with holes in the Ozone layer now affecting the
temperatures on the planet, ice bergs are melting and the worlds
temperate zones are changing ,the worlds leaders continue to talk about
the effects of global warming and what can be done . Yet has anyone
ever asked the creator of the universe to fix the problem ?
I suppose the answer to these questions and many more is only God knows
I hope that in time God willing he will allow somebody to discover what
these answers are .
Then with those new resources on deck , the dreamers of this world will
receive Gods gift of insight and wisdom to achieve their dream that
will benefits the human race .
If this world is coming to an end as many people have said I would like
to make a list of the major events before that happens .
Some very significant milestones along the path during the twentieth
century and I hope you can
look at each one with me and agree that Gods hand was at work .
In 1900 the Chinese felt their way of life was threatened . This fear
brought about a young nationalist movement known as The Boxers . During
the time of the Boxer rebellion
many Christians and missionaries were killed .
So here at the turn of the century in China the blood of Christians was
spilt to keep the balance of Political power .
In 1912 the unthinkable thing happens , as the so called unsinkable
Titanic sinks .
God always has a way of pulling the carpet from under our feet , not to
punish us , but to bring us closer to him . In the world where we live
, God has always been in control , sometimes we forget this and we tend
to think that we are in control and we map out our future .
One of the ten commandments states ,
"I am the Lord thy God thou shalt not have false Gods before me ". The
worship of Images and Idols throughout time have brought down the wrath
of God .
In 1947 The Dead Sea Scrolls where discovered about 12 miles south of
Jericho . The text confirmed many stories about the life of Christians
and once again shows the authenticity of Gods holy Book . It brings up
another question about the possibility
of further scrolls that have been written but have not yet been found .
I suppose the answer is as always , in Gods good time .
In 1964 Martin Luther King was awarded the Nobel Prize . His mission in
life was to bring justice and civil rights to the Negro race . He was
both hated and loved , feared and followed . In 1968 he was
assassinated , and his death is regarded by many as that of a Christian
martyr .
I978 was the year of the 3 Popes .
In August Pope Paul V1 died . Cardinal Albino Luciani was then elected
as Pope .
He became Pope John Paul 1 but died 33 days after being elected .
Then for the first time ever a Polish Pope was elected . Born in 1920 ,
Karol Wojtyla became well known around Warsaw during the War . His work
with the underground helped many prisoners find their way home .
Karol became a priest and Cardinal .
His mission in life took on another and during his life his many visits
to countries around the world he was fondly called GodsGlobetrotter
Today we have Pope Benedict the sixteenth and his way in life has been
to carry on the
burden of leader to the worlds Catholic people which is a heavy load to
carry but God has given him the strength to be as strong as is needed
During many decades of the 20th century , God was at work with the
intercession of the Virgin Mary who had appeared in many countries .
Her message in most cases focused on the prayer of the holy mass and
for people to keep praying hard to prevent Gods anger from coming to
the world .
As many people began to present themselves at shrines and travel around
as pilgrams , the
power of prayer began to make the world aware of the changes our world
was going through and had yet to address .
Gos has never left us alone for one moment .
Could there be an answer to mans inhumanity to man and the injustice of
wars around the planet ?
A new world order brought many nations together in a new global village
to stamp out injustice and war . The Berlin wall came down as the East
went west and all the attachments of the nuclear arms race had ended
After centuries of fighting and hatred in Northern Ireland a peaceful
solution was found and this aggrement was called The Good Friday
agreement . It brought hope for a peaceful way of life and for the
first time in this generation of trouble and after 30 years of
bloodshed the prospects of a secure future for all the people in
Northern Ireland does exist .
If it is possible to see through the eyes of heaven while we are living
in this world then surely the presence of God is there in everything
that occurs .
God is always with us and in control .
God is also full of surprises .
Isn't is wonderful as we look back and hear God's voice in this world
People sometimes forget God has been the creator of everything that was
, and that is , and that shall be .
By Paul Mc Cann
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