Misty Morning Lover
By mcscraic
- 282 reads
Misty Morning Lover
By Paul McCann
Willie Delaney was the son of a rich American actor man was had found fame and found in the movie business . After his wife died in a car crash it impacted him in such a way that he wanted to get away from America and find a quiet place to live somewhere with Willie his only son . With the help of a very good real estate advisor and some good friends he decided to buy a large house on acreage in a beautiful part of Ireland surrounded by mountains and Lakes .
A quiet life was what he had always wanted and so he left America to live out the rest of his life in Ireland with his son .
Willie was a lucky young man who had never wanted for anything in his life except for the love of a woman . Willies father had always been very protective of him mostly because he feared someone would try to kidnap his son and hold him for ransom which is another reason why he was happy to retire in a quiet hideaway where no one knew him for who he really was .
Willie loved the outdoors and apart from horse riding and hiking he liked to go fishing . So after settling into his new environment he often went to cast a line into some of the lakes that surrounded his fathers property . Willie had asked his Father if her could have a private place where he could go to near to the one of the lakes so his Father had a small cabin built there where he was allowed his freedom . Willie went there once a month to fish and paint which was another hobby he enjoyed .
Early one crisp autumn morning Willie walked off to the lake with his fishing rod and a camping bag with a fold up chair and other items such as his sketch pad and pencils , his fishing bait , a flask of hot soup and some sandwiches .
It was a misty morning and even though the fog was thick Willie could find his way to the lake blindfolded , When he arrived to the lake he first sat down on the fold up chair a and sketched a line drawing of where he was .
It was an ethereal kind of place there with a carpet of mist floating just above the lake and all around the edge there was a thick wall of fog that had fallen blocking out everything from sight .
Willie finished his sketch and stood on his feet and cast out a line into the still mirrored surface of the lake . After a few moments he felt something grab the bait and he slowly began to wind back in his line . He was hoping that he had been fortunate enough to have landed the sleek silver trout that had evaded his line for months now . Willie was in no hurry to return home to his lonely mountain cabin and was happy to relax all day at the lake . The rod in his had bent and the line was taught as he slowly pulled back in the line and every now and then letting it go a little then once again pulling it back in . There was a strong fighting resistance at the end of the line that continued to pull against him .
The morning sun slowly rose shafts of sunlight shone down through the clouds and soon the fog started to lift .
What a surprise it was for the fisherman to see what he had on his line was another line on the rod of a lady who was standing a short distance away .
They had not seen each other in the thick fog and both had thought they had a fish on the their lines .As they laughed the fisherman cut his line so they could start to untangle and place a fresh bait back on their lines .
The fisherman waved at the girl and the young lady returned the wave .
the young fisherman walked over towards the girl and they were both laughing at what had just happened . As he approached the young lady she pulled down the hood of her anorak . Her thick red hair glistened in the morning sun and the smile on her face was like a breath of fresh air coming through .
“Sure the top of the morning to you “
He said and she replied .
“Good morning there , we seem to have caught each other by accident “
They both laughed .
“I haven’t seen you around here before “
She replied ,
“Well I’m on vacation here for a few weeks” :
Her cheeks were aglow like apples in snow .
“Isn’t that grand . Sure your very welcome to the fish salmon in the lake “.
“Oh is the lakes yours ?
She replied .
“Well no I don’t own the lake but it is on my fathers property:”
“Oh I’m sorry I never knew I was trespassing as I said I’m on vacation with my parents here in Ireland , so I don’t knew the area here .
“Sure I‘m not here that long myself “
Willie replied .
How long has you lived here ?
“Three years now “
He replied .
‘So you’re like a local now ?
She asked .
Willie laughed and replied .’
Well I guess my feet know their way to a few hidden places here and there .
She laughed and reached out her hand saying .
“My name is Mindy Winters .”
Willie who have never hel a girls hand before reached out and shook her and softly and said .
“Pleased to meet you Mindy I’m Willie Delaney .“
Something stirred inside him and he felt her hand in his .
She smiled and said ,
”Isn’t it beautiful here Willie ?
He opened his bag and took out his flask .
“This is my own home made soup . Would you like to try it ?”
‘Why indeed I would Willie. “
What about a sandwich ?
He asked her .
“She replied .
“I’d love that , actually I’m starving .I set off early this morning on my hike and forgot to bring some food along .Silly me .
After they had soup and a sandwich . They shared stories a plenty about life and their dreams . As time passed Willie and Mindy felt a strong attraction towards each other
“I really have to go now as my parents would be worried if I don’t get home and they probably would sent out a search party.
Willie looked at her with a kind of fondness and asked .
“Mindy will I ever see you again ?
She laughed and replied ,
“Well I don’t want to trespass here where I not supposes to be ‘
Willie looked at her with a sense of sadness and said ,
“You’ll not be trespassing and as said before you’re welcome here “
There was a quiet space between them and then she said,
“See you in the morning Willie Delaney and she walked off .
Willie return to his Cabin and spent the rest of the day sketching a portrait of her face and couldn’t wait until the morning came to see her again .
Before the day came to a close he made a some sandwiches , a pot of soup and few cookies for the next day and then went to bed . He was restless all the night and never slept because of the excitement of meeting a lady for the very first time . The truth of it was he felt something he had never known and his heart was caught up with a hunger he couldn’t satisfy until he could be with Mindy again .
For many years he had been lonely going from place to place without ever really feeling he belonged and now he wanted to belong with someone somewhere .
He took his fishing rod and camping bag and made his way in the early morning to the lake .
As he approached the lake she walked towards him out of the mist . She looked so good with her long hair hidden inside her hood .
He looked at her as the sun broke through between the clouds and his heart thumped . Inside all he knew is that he wanted to spent each and every morning with her .
As they stood together there again .
She said ,
“Its an early rising for you Willie ?
There was so much he wanted to say any yet has lost for words . He opened his mouth and something came out automatically .
“Do you ride horses Mindy?”
Her eyes lit up and she smiled and said .
“I love horses Willie , how did you know ?”
He said ,
“Just guessed . Did you want to go for a ride tomorrow ?
She replied ,
“Do you have some horses ?
We have a stable full of horses , I can rise one and bring the other here tomorrow if you’d like “
She screamed out with joy and said .
“ Yes thanks I’ve been missing that so much “
The she kissed him fair and square on the lips .
Willie’s first kiss almost lifted him off the ground . He was on c cloud as he looked at her and he kissed her back .
She pulled down her hood and let her hair fall down over her shoulders
“I’ve a cabin near here where I live . Its like my retreat away from the big house . Have you time to come and see it .?
She grabbed his hand and replied ,
“”I’ve the rest of the day to myself Willie and lets just do that . Would you have anything to drink there in that little cabin. “
“I have a little bottle of something to keep the cold away at night .“
He said and she replied ,
“Well lets go then .“
‘He grabbed her by the hand and said ,
“Ok follow me “
She grabbed his hand and thewy walked off together .
When they arrived at the cabin Willie produced the portrait of her he had done the day before . She fell hook line and sinker into his arms as he let the artwork feel to the floor . He held her tightly and she squeezed him closer to her .
“I think I’m falling in love with you “
She said .
“He poured out two glasses of whiskey and gave her one and said .
“I’ve never felt this way before about anyone “
They drank down the glass and he poured another one .
They kissed and held each other and as the morning said farewell love had came and found a home in their lives . As the shadows of the day fell she whispered ,
“Willie I hate to go but I ..
“Willie interrupted her and said,
“We don’t want a search party to find us here in my cabin so see you tomorrow . I bring the horses and we can chase the wind for a while .”
“Willie I want to wake up with you every morning.”
“I love you Mindy .“
“See you soon. ”
The End ..
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