The Storyteller And The Lake Dweller

By mcscraic
- 344 reads
The Storyteller and the Lake Dweller
by Paul McCann
The storyteller never had a map but his instincts told him which way he had to go . Each step he took was predestined and everywhere he went was part of the journey to a destination he called home .
As twilight fell, he heard the sound of a lonely piper filtering through the trees in the evening air . He made his way towards the music on a long and lonely path that eventually took him to a lake where he stood and listened for a while to the melody of an ancient tune that he had heard a long time ago .
He recognised the air as The Return of The Piper that dated back before the mists of time .
The air was said to have been a tribute to the brave piper who had defied capture and for many ages taunted his enemies by playing his tunes through the elbow pipes night and day until he drove away those who desired to stop music being played in the land .
From the lake’s edge the Storyteller called out in a soft deep voice .
“Hello there Pogue from Tir Na Oge, it is Sean McKay, the Storyteller.
I can hear the tune you’re playing and I’m listening to what you’re saying, so would you take a chance and come sit with me for a while by the side of the lake ?”
In that moment in time the music stopped playing and a passage of waters presented itself as the piper emerged out from the lake carrying his elbow pipes under his arm . He stood there beside the storyteller who said .
“So, you’re not scared of me Piper Pogue?”
The reply came
“I’m the dweller of the lake and you are my guest .So I have nothing to fear from you storyteller . What brings to here to my lake ?”
The piper asked .
The Storyteller sat down on the ground and said ,
“I am pleased that you welcome me here and the reason for my visit is to share a story behind the tune that you just played .“
“ You mean you know that tune ?”
The piper said and the storyteller replied
“Sit down beside me Pogue and let me tell you about a time when everyone was forbidden to play music “
“I can remember that well :
Said the piper who sat down beside him as the Storyteller continued
“In the days after the fall of the fairy folk there came a wild wind that blew across the land .y
Suddenly all around them that very moment a wind arose from the lake and whistled a furious howling
... the Storyteller continued
“It was the winds of change that heralded the dark days that were to come .
Suddenly the twilight was covered by the dark cape of night .
The darkness remained all over the land and a long winter came while the uninvited ones remained
Suddenly the snow started to fall all around the lake
and the storyteller continued,....
The uninvited ones took away all the musical instrument they could find and but a huge bonfire and destroyed harps and fiddles , pipes and whistles .
in that moment beside them a fire ignited, and the flames leapt into the sky .
The storyteller continued ....
Many of those who could play music were killed or mutilated by the uninvited . So many talented musicians had lost their hands and fingers to prevent them from playing their music . But there was one piper who they could never fond because he had gone into hiding in the deep caves far below the lake where he tormented the uninvited every night and day with the pipes and his music echoed all over the land . People started to believe that the music came from the lake and that there was a spiritual place somewhere there and they called that the land of eternal youth where music could be played forever Pogue you are the reason why the people got the courage to drive off the uninvited ones and everyday as you played your pipes deep in the caves the uninvited became frightened and they all eventually left the land forever .
... a light shone down from above and it reflected a path across the lake where a large white swam made its way over to the lakes edge .
Darkness had left the land Pogue but you remained deep in the caves unaware of the new day that had come and you continued to this day playing your pipes .
It’s now time for you to go home Pogue .
The tune that you were playing as I came to the lake is called the return of the piper
and it was foretold that when the piper who played the tune heard the story behind the air that he would be able to return home to where he belongs .
The Piper asked ,
“So, tell me storyteller , where do I belong and where is my home ?
The Storyteller pointed to the huge swan who leapt from the lake and approached the piper .
This is your ride back to the place you belong Pogue . No need to hide anymore and rest at peace now with the knowledge that you are Pogue from Tir Na Oge and that is the place where you us go .
The piper sat down on the back of the swan who took flight into the night sky .
The storyteller made his way to one of the underground caves where he lit a small fire and slept until the morning light .
The End
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