The Storyteller - Chapter 15

By mcscraic
- 85 reads
The Storyteller
A Novel
By Paul McCann
Chapter 15
The Christmas Child
He was not and will never be the kind of man you meet every day,
His life has been spent travelling between other dimensions talking to those who have lived in the past and future guided by his spiritual guides with instructions of his mission . He was never aware of any dangers because he had the protection of supernatural forces who ruled over each dimension from the beginning of time to the spaces beyond time in the infinite world .
As he made his way along the coast road to Pilgrims Hill, he heard the sound of a child crying . The medallion around his neck started to vibrate and glow and at that moment a pillar of light descended from the sky and landed right in front of him on the road .A doorway appeared at the foot of the pillar of light and a tall being emerged from the light . He wore a golden robe that shone like the sun and on his head was a Crown and in his hand a shepherd’s crook .
A scent of roses wafted in the evening breeze and peace fell down all around almost as if the world had come to an end . Then in the silence the visitor introduced himself
“Hello Storyteller , I am one of the Magi , King of a past realm and shepherd of lost time within interdimensional worlds . I have come bring you to another place and another time .“
His voice was soft and in the whisper his message penetrated the depth of the storyteller’s soul .
“I am honoured by your presence here , King of time and space . Just before you arrived, I heard a child crying , was that some kind of sign for me ?”
“ Let us go now for the child awaits .“
As they walked into the light the doorway closed and they were gone .
Within the fourth dimension the storytellers mind was infused with narrative in words and images from the infinite side of life . It was as if time stood still and in a brief moment the storyteller saw the world with the eyes of a child and everything made perfect sense . He had a story to tell with an innocent heart about what life was all about and why it had to be told .
Out from the light the storyteller and the King walked into a desert at night . Above in the sky was oner star shinning bright . Along the way the met two other Kings and when they arrived in the place where they were meant to be they walked inside a small stable where some shepherds there .
Inside the stable there was a man and woman with a little baby and around them was a light that shone . One by one each of the Kings approached and handed gifts to the child . The shepherds left some food and warm clothing .
The donkey there began to make a funny hee haw sound and everyone laughed and when the sheep began to call out baa bass . The baby started to cry .
The storyteller knew what to do at that moment and he approached the child and said ,
“ The gift I have for you is a song and a story about the past , present and future and how a child in time became the King of Kings and how he will live forever in time and when time is no more , he will reign in a world without beginning or end and life will be an eternal story for all who shall become like children one again and in every heart there will be an innocence and there will be singing and the King shall reign with happiness and there will be no such thing as suffering and love and peace will be a state of eternal consciousness in a place with no thought or attachment of being there . For we are all children of the eternal King . We shall have wings and there will be joy that will free us from everything that ties us to the ground . Our home is there
In that blessed eternity with the child who was born to become King of Kings.”
The child in the crib sat up and smiled and light filled the stable at that moment the storyteller took from his pouch a tin whistle and he began to play the tune was in his head and he shared that tune with everyone who was there . At that moment the mother of the Child began to sing the words of a child’s lullaby as if she too had been given the song .
“All come to the child, for the child has come , to be a King for everyone
All come to the child, for the child has come , to be the hope for everyone ,
All come to the child, for the child has come , all praise a new day has come
All come unto Christ , for today is the day when the first Christmas has come .“
The Magi Kings and shepherds also all joined in singing and the morning sun rose in the sky . At that moment a pillar of light descended from the sky .
The Magi King approached the storyteller and softly said ,
“We must say goodbye to this place now . Come away. “
They walked into the pillar of light and disappeared far beyond through another dimension to the road when their journey had begun . The Magi King said goodbye and in that moment the doorway between dimensions disappeared .
The storyteller continued on the road to Pilgrims Hill and within his subconscious mind the storyteller heard the voice of a child whisper to him .
“Thank you for the gift . Your story will live forever and one day we will be together again . It was good to see you storyteller , so until that day comes always keep a place in your heart for me “
End chapter 15
The Storyteller
link to chapter 16
By Paul McCann
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