Teddys Tea Party
By mcscraic
- 1853 reads
Down among the willows near the Lagoon lived Tippy the Teddy Bear
Tippy had wanted to have a tea party for so long that she decided to
invite all of the creatures who lived around Willow corner .
All the little bluebirds were busy delivering the invitations to Teddys
Tea Party
"Oh no silly me. "
Thought Tippy in a terrible moment of reality .
"I have invited everyone to come tomorrow morning and there is nothing
for them to eat ."
Tippy pulled out all of her pots and pans and then another though came
to her
"Oh dear me what ever will I do for I can't bake a cake or make a
cookie "
Right away Tippy ran off to the tree house and knocked on Bushy Tail's
"The little squirrel opened the door and said ,
"I'll be there . Thanks for the tea party invitation Teddy ."
"That's great but I've got a problem and need some help ."
Said Tippy .
"What can I do to help you ?" said the friendly squirrel "
"Could you tell me how to make a cake ?
Tippy replied .
The squirrel scratched her nose and said .
"Well you'll need lots of nuts and let me see some honey and mix them
all together I think . Is that any help for you Tippy ."
" Oh no . Can you think of anybody who might know how to bake anything
tomorrow I have lots of people coming and nothing to give them ."
"I'm sure the silver trout in the lagoon know something . They've
always got cake and bread to eat . Go and ask them ."
Tippy ran away to the lagoon and shouted into the still water .
" Hello in there . Is there anyone home ?"
A sleek silver trout swam over to the side of the bank and said ,
"What's the problem . Don't you like trout . Are we not good enough for
you How come we didn't get invited to your tea party then ?"
Tippy laughed .
"Don't be silly everyone knows you can't come on land ."
You could have still send us an invitation Tippy . Just to show we are
thought about in here . "
"I am so sorry .I never thought . Would you forgive me ?"
"Only if you bring us some left over cookies and cake ."
"Sure that is if I can find somebody to tell me how I can bake them
"You can't mean it ."
"I never though until it was too late you see " Said Tippy hiding her
red face .
"Don't worry Tippy just go and ask the wise owl who lives at the top of
the Tall twisted Willow . Im told he has lots of cook books ."
"Oh thank you ever so much Silverkee ."
The teddy rushed down to the twisted willow and climbed up through the
twisty branches until she was at the door at the top of the trunk
Knocking gently she shouted out until finally for owl opened the door
"Twitt who oh its you . Yes I;m coming to your tea party and thank you
for asking me . Now what should I bring ?
Said the old cross eyed owl standing by the door .
"Oh I'm glad you're coming but I need to ask for some help Mr Owl . I'm
told you have some cook books . Could I please borrow one
"Sure you can . You better come in for a moment .
Said the owl who went over to a large bookcase .
" Cook books . I have a number of them . Mmm let me see . tea party
isn't it Here we are .Fairy Cakes , crumbles and cookies . That should
do Tippy . "
The owl handed over the books to the teddy who scurried thanked the owl
and scurried down the tree . Half way down Tippy had another terrible
thought and made her way back up to Mr Owls door .
"Knocking not so gently this time and in a panic Tippy shouted .
"My oh my what ever will I do "
The owl open the door and asked Tippy inside .
"What ever is wrong with you .
"Tippy all red faced handed the books back .
"I can't read ."
"Look sit down and let me read to you ."
"Its very kind of you but I can't cook or bake either ."
"Twit who . It's all right don't feel bad . l'll help come on and lets
get started before your guests arrived ."
The owl and the Teddy worked together all that night .
It was easy with proper instructions and soon the smell of cookies and
cake drifted all through Willow Corner .
The next morning all the creatures arrived for the tea party .
They had all brought their own cup and saucer and soon the party
Bunches of wild flowers were placed in various spots and scattered on
tree stumps were plates with fairy cakes and cookies .
There were games and dances . Everyone had lots of fun .
After the party was over Tippy thanked everyone for coming . A special
thank you was said for Mr Owl who had made it a success and Tippy
brought a plate of leftovers down for the fish in the lagoon .
Mr Owl offered to teach the creatures of Willow Corner how to read and
it was welcomed by all . A bright new shade of sunlight wafted down on
Willow Corner and tea parties were a regular event .
The End
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