The Traveller - Chapter 8

By mcscraic
- 130 reads
The Traveller
A Novel
By Paul McCann
Chapter 8
Out Of Harm’s Way
One morning as Bucko was walking from his garden to the lookout on the Tibetan Tableland, he was met by a man with a wheelbarrow carrying a strange looking plant growing in a pot . As they got closer Bucko realised it was another traveller .
“You’re looking well Bucko . I’m practising my image projection skill . Can you see my imaginary plant in my imaginary wheelbarrow ?“
“ I see them as clear as I can see you .“
“I’m pleased then . We have a mission for you Bucko ?”
The imaginary items disappeared and Bucko asked .
“How do you make imaginary items look real “
The traveller answered ,
“Well that’s my gift , I’ve always had the gift but never once realised that most travellers don’t have the ability to bring visions into solid objects “
Bucko seemed intrigued and said ,
“That is an amazing gift . So, what is the mission I have to do then ?
“We need you to go into some of the opium dens in China and destroy the opium that is going to arrive tomorrow . This is a deadly drug and must not be allowed to be used . Some extremely evil people have purposely made this drug to decrease the population in China . You are one of many travellers who will be working in different parts of the main cities to stop this drug from circulating. “
“That’s not ever a challenge “
Bucko replied and the traveller said ,
“That’s the first part of your mission . Once you have destroyed the shipment in the opium dens , then you have to go to Beijing to the historical archives bureau and remove a collection of old stories and other literature from a room in the basement in order to prevent the boxers from destroying these irreplaceable documents . Before the end of the week some of the boxers are going to burn all of the historical manuscripts in order to erase a lot of historical facts and other works of art . The boxes in the room must all be hidden in a secret room that you will be shown in your mission information sheets on your kitchen table ?”
Bucko nodded his head and said ,
“The boxers revolution was at the turn of the 20th Century so I am to go back in time to attend what is required to be completed in this mission .“
The traveller said ,
“That’s right Bucko . You know your history . We will be around watching how things are going .Good luck with your mission .“
The traveller disappeared and Bucko turned around to go home and study the information that was left for him .
Later that day after reading the information and memorising the maps and photos her concentrated deeply and teleported to the first of the opium dens . He walked around inside the establishment and took notice of the people who were there ,
He overheard some conversation from an English man who seemed to have a nervous problem . He was a poet by the name of Francis Thompson who had an addiction to opium . He spoke with some of the other users there about a nook he was writing in running verse . At times the things he spoke about were very deep and by the sounds of his conversation he was going mad .There were other interesting people there in the opium den from different walks of life . Doctors and medical students , artists and prostitutes . They were all waiting to buy some of the opium that was going to be arriving .After a little while the crowd were informed to come back in a day or two as the shipment would not be delivered until tomorrow ,
After everyone had left the shipment arrived at the back of the opium den and was unloaded and out into a large storeroom for opening and packing into smaller quantities . Due to the time of the night the dealers decided to go home and leave the allocation of the packaging until the next day .
Bucko wasted no time and poured from a bottle a solution of strong some acid over all of the opium , completely destroying the entire shipment before making his way to the next opium den . The timing was perfect in each of the dens he made his way unseen to where the opium shipment was delivered and proceeded to destroy each opium delivery . Some of the larger shipments he poured petrol over and ignited the large sacks of opium . Some of the opium dens also were destroyed in the fires he had started . That night all over the city Bucko visited each of the places he was given on a list and using petrol , chemicals and explosives he was able to complete the first part of his mission by preventing this new batch of opium from ever being used on people . Then he made his way to the historical archives bureau in Beijing to put some invaluable documents in a safe place before the boxers would destroy them . Following the direction on the maps given to him , he made his way down to the basement passing security along the corridors and walking into areas unseen .
He listened to foreigners who seemed worried about the fighting on the streets and the boxers who were on a rampage all over the city .
In the basement there were many sealed boxes that matched the photos he was given and as he had a quick look, he saw old parchments and posters . Stories and posters , other boxes had some historical information on books that could never be replaced . In a secret room behind a wall there were vaults where he had to place all of the documents safely out of harm’s way . No one would ever know the unseen hands that had been busy . Life would go on as if nothing had ever happened but those who had evil plans would not be able to achieve their goal .
Bucko returned home to the mountain to his little home , satisfied that he had done something good for the world .
End of Chapter Link to chapter 9
The Traveller
A Novel
By Paul McCann
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