Yes We Can
By mcscraic
- 857 reads
I firmly believe that this is a time for change .
We are living in a historical time when ethics will rise and all those who walk straight and true will find their way in life less troubled .
If we can be united with those who are burdened then reach out a hand to help the poor and marginalised , at last we are taking the opportunity to live life as it should be .
Today Mr Obama has an opportunity to employ ethics here on this earth .
There is a great need to build new resources in order to bridge the gaps between our cultures .
Migrant , welfare and ethnic groups need to look at all the margins and begin to open spaces , like little roundabouts where people can pass through on their journey and access areas of assistance .
We must at least try to exist on the same road . Without these roundabouts people would not be able to avoid the collisions and the confusion of what gets in the way .
Brief is the time we have but its important that we use it well . How we treat each other and how we as individuals influence those around us will be pivotal in building a new horizon that spans the future landscapes of where we live .
The fact that for the first time in history a black President has been elected as President of The United States is an encouragement for all those who have been oppressed and especially for those who have been denied their rights to live as equals in a society .
We must all recognise that this journey of life has the same destination .Even if we walk along different paths , there is still the same end to all our roads .
Truth is a reality , freedom is having the ability to live out what we believe in .
Along the way there are always barriers or boundaries that will try to separate our creeds and cultures but there is one way we can overcome this .
Think about the beliefs of others because they are what others believe in and try to understand where they are at . Common ground is what we seek . This journey through life is never an easy road but if want to make it easier we need to find some common ground .
If we look hard enough there are bridges that connect our differences and on those we see parallel roads can bring us to the same destination .
Although there are many roads on this journey through life , we must remind ourselves constantly of our ultimate goal . To reach heaven .
Lifes Golden Rule
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you .
A Poem
Ethical Road -
Life's real hard here on Ethical Road,
We try to live by our moral code ,
Do unto others what we think is right ,
with truth and love there is some insight .
There’s fertile ground on Ethical Road .
and seeds of faith grow after they're sewed .
Acceptance is the way, yours and mine ,
Justice , righting the wrongs in our time .
There's no way you can live around here ,
if you work for those who employ fear .
Equality is what we explore ,
Ethics are keys that open the door .
Ideals of what and where we should be ,
are steps taken in all honesty .
Religion walks down Ethical road ,
forgiving the debts others have owed
Our duty to ethics makes us think
it’s thirsting for something we can’t drink .
Its an even score with you and me ,
and it’s how we live in harmony .
By Paul McCann
For too many years we have been living in different tribes with different ideals and on different paths that bring us into conflict .
We now have the chance to resurrect civil rights .
We need to bring that focus back .
For all those who have been violated because of their creed or culture now is a time to find justice and the issue of equality must be addressed by President Obama .
Jesus wept , people this world needs to see those who have suffered .
Those who been called names and insulted .
Those whom have been dealt a destructive blow by comment or gossip .
Those who have been put in harms way because of intolerance .
Those who have not had compensation or justice .
Those who need to believe , now is the time to start .
The journey of life is never over and until the end of the road and every bend
has been negotiated .
Yes we can all be together on the same road .
Yes we can believe in justice , and reconciliation.
Yes we can one day look back at the history books and discover we changed the way we lived .
Yes we can bring our children equality and harmony .
Yes we can respond to the problems by employing proper ethics .
Yew we can find an understanding of our differences .
Yes we can secure once and for all our basic human rights to live and co-exist
on this planet through the journey of life, as brief as it may be .
No we don’t want to live with religious differences or conflicts .
No we don’t need bigotry and discrimination .
No we don’t accept inequality .
No we don’t strive to be separated by our culture , creed or class .
Yes we can find tolerance and acceptance .
Yes we can love one other .
Yes we can be wise .
Yes we can be one .
Yes we can have differences of opinion .
Yes we can agree .
Yes we can pull and pushing together to get the job done .
Yes we can help and support each other .
Yes we can all be positive .
Yes we can have an input .
Yes we can be encouraged .
These strategies are only a few that can work , but it does require a great deal of strength and confidence to bring change and overcome the old redundant ways that have put us on the wrong road before .
See you at the end of the road .
The End
By Paul McCann
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