Antonio Solar: Origins of an Empire
By Miguel De La Cruz
- 1292 reads
Antonio Solar: Origins of an Empire
Chapter four
I hate leaving lose ends, so it seems that I must continue. We were miles away from our base and reinforcements.
The only thing I could do is think of mass confusion. Hysteria is alright, people panic and forget who's the real enemy.
"Apurate Tony, que nos van a chingar!"
[T: "Tony, hurry up or we're fucked."]
Toro drenched in sweat, and some blood. He had taken a bullet to the arm, but nothing too serious.
"Maneja a rumbo a la policia!"
[T: "Drive towards the police!"]
He looked at me as if I had lost my damn mind.
"Are you fucking crazy?!"
"Arturo, trust me."
We had about three cars and a motorcycle chasing after us. Too many people were dying, so the local cops couldn't keep a blind eye. I ordered Pedro and victor to lower their guns.
The police took a look at us and saw a young man rescuing little kids. Completely forgetting they're not to kill Reyes' men. In no time the cops were on our side, shooting at the enemy.
We kept driving with a squad car close behind, like an escort. Toro knew what to do, and parked in the unmarked dirt road. As he opened the door, Toro fell to the ground. Cops ran towards us as if trying to rescue him.
Pedro and Victor climbed out of the broken windshield with cocked pistols. Hiding under the truck, while Toro pretended to fight for his life.
Once the cops arrived, both the morros shot at their feet. The cops fell to the ground, where they were executed by me. Out of town and with an extra car, I felt like the luckiest man ever!
In all honesty, he was loosing too much blood and we headed back to the factory. It was a smooth ride, so I called ahead.
"Soy el patron, morro. Necessito que sequestren a un medico, YA!!!"
[T: "It's your boss, kid. I need you to kidnap a doctor, NOW!!!"]
"A sus ordenes patron!"
[T: "By your orders, boss!"]
On the drive towards the factory, we kidnapped a random man to drive us. Toro felt way too weak, and none of us could reach the pedals well enough.
"Both of you did a great job, but the day's not over yet."
Pedro picked up his pistol and cocked it.
"Doesn't matter if its over, patron. I'll fight till my last breath. "
Victor nodded and ripped his shirt, tying it around Toro's bleedIng arm. He elevated the arm above where his heart would be, slowing down the bleeding.
"My parent's were medics, and were taken to war."
Made a lot of sense, since mexico was on the losing end. The draft is what took most of their parents away, then the rest were killed by cartel violence. However, I was going to run the north... No, mexico.
I've blamed Toro, but it's been me who fantasized day and night. Who secretly wanted to be the boss, but I'm not alone. Everyone wants to be the boss, and thats why trust is what lacks.
By the time we got there, Toro was looking rather pale.
Can't have that civilian know where my base is located. I saw three medics, all tied to a chair and a little bloody. Equipment laying around, and even a hospital bed.
"Que no le falte nada, patron. Ese hospital esta patas pa-riba con Federales."
[T: "Try not to need anything, boss. That hospital is full of Federales.]
"Me vale mucha madres! Esos jotos me temen a MÍ!"
[T: "I don't give a fuck! Those faggots fear ME!"]
The morro just lowered his head and left quietly. I wasn't mad, shit... he did better than I asked. However, ambition and betrayal are old friends. Watching silently as the doctors took the fragments out, sterilized, and transfused blood.
Pedro was a perfect match, which was lucky. He was going to be a made man soon, and is still my most trusted subject. Toro awoke and even HE knew what to do... In his exhausted state...
"When you feel like it, retrieve the cop car."
There is no rest for the wicked, and no peace for the damned. Cursed forever till the day we die, yet even so... There are times where you wouldn't trade this life for an honest one.
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Action packed and fast moving
Action packed and fast moving. Well done.
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