A Knight In The Apocalypse
By Miguel De La Cruz
- 598 reads
Chapter Four: A Knights Descent To A King’s Pawn.
Riot took several hours, but she also had one mission: To deliver Simon food and water. He was only eight, you can imagine his horror. Riot knew she couldn’t pull off a rescue alone, so the best she could do is sneak in some supplies. Her backpack was filled with food, water, and miscelaneous items for camoflauge.
She had a mission to accomplish, and it was important, because she wanted them to be safe. For her sake and Steven’s, no pressure though. She exhaled repeatedly, as she calmed herself to make a running jump from a broken stone pillar. It was part of a big bank that fell to ruin. She rant o become airborne, jumping off with all her strength. With a split-second decision, she took her trusty string knife and threw it to wrap around a pole.
The pole stuck out horizontally out of a building close to the tower. She was able to swing from it, because she had a very strong military grade string. She and the Skull Raiders had raided a military base, but much to their dismay, nothing equipment was left.
She had landed on a window ledge, with small craters on the side, which was great. She was an expert mountain climber, she had once belonged to an ex-military faction, she couldn’t stomach leaving. She had joined the Skull Raiders as a means for survival. She no longer needed that way of life, she had Steve. She almost had Steve, if it wasn’t for Erica.
She chose to ignore that thought, she could still fall five stories. She then took out the scope, an old looking thing. She was going to throw it away, but Steve deemed it useful. She spotted him. Throwing the knife once more made a small pathway between the towers, but she just couldn’t go. She was at her limit.
She was afraid of heights, not that she wouldn’t go through with it, but she almost fainted on the window ledge. She busted the window to go inside, moved the bag, and took out all her camouflage gear. I might’ve forgotten to state, that she had a small home made rocket (non-lethal). Just one, she needed to make it count, because he had no supplies...
Riot put the bag on the rope string, and angled the bag so the rocket would take it up. Since she’s on the fifth floor and simon was on the sixth. She made sure nothing could go wrong, even the bag, because it could rip or tangle on the way.
With a semi-loud FOOSH, the rocket went on trajectory, carrying the bag where it was supposed to. “Touch down!” Riot remembered she still needed to do Reconnaissance. She took a look down and saw the landscape. Stoic, but extremely terrified on the inside.
She looked at the paints and held her breath. She bathed in the proper colors with a couple paints Steve gave her. She put cracks on her clothes and things of that nature, as to look like a walking torn up wall. Riot went down a couple flights, luckily the mutants were too busy rampaging to call this building their own.
It was almost night and she reached the bottom, opening a window. Because the doors had a small cave in, blocking the entrance. Riot moved by the walls sneaking over what appeared to be legions of mutants. She stalked these creatures, almost human like, anatomically.
Riot thought them to be demons at first, it was however impossible. The mutants were almost ten feet tall, with red skin. Like someone decided to get a suntan, turned out horrible, and thought two more would make it lighter. They also had long arms, almost to the middle of the shins, and long hair.
They were skinny, but they weren’t weak, Riot saw them flipping cars over in a rage. Then she saw him, a twelve foot tall version of these mutants giving out orders. Most were thought to be braim decayed, but one was buff and had clean cut hair? She remembered a rumor, the army was experimenting on next generation soldiers just like the Chinese.
One success amongst failures, “rraaaww , what a bunch of idiots! Andre should know better than to let a bunch of savages wait for their prey!!!” His voice sounded thunderous and she gasped. They weren’t in danger yet! The base was going to be under attack. But why did the king want to harm them? They were nobodies…. Right???
She hurried stealthily across, hoping to reach the base in time. Too late. After a while, half way to the base she saw Steve. She met up with Steve and told him her theory. “Of course I know Andre planned to use them as bait. But I have no choice, I have to rescue them.” There was fire and a hint of murderous rage in his eyes.
Riot’s only seen it once, and that was when she came back from a mission to see Wade’s dead body. Steve held back tears that day, surrounded by countless dead bodies and fire. “Tell me what to do, and I’ll follow you to the depths of hell." Her conviction was astonishing.
“No…As much as I want you fighting by my side, everyone will die if you don’t get back. Here’s the keys to that room I told everyone not to go into. It has Wade’s last project. I finished it last week. It’s a Range Canon, open the dash in Wally-Mart. Shoot smart, I only made about 10 rounds.”
She nodded in agreement, screaming on the inside to let her fight along side him. Even folow him to the death. She then realized, she loved him. She couldn’t bare to be in a mushy situation, she was very tomboyish as you already know.
She left, wondering what kind of canon is the Range Canon, but I’ll tell you. It is a canon, that stays in the same spot, but can be easily maneuvered because of it’s base platform. The barrel can extend and retract. Hopefully you know what that means, because the story needs to proceed.
Steven saw them from a distance, the military mutant rejects. Though for some reason, he was thinking about what Riot said, and then noticed he was used to her in camouflage. He might have unresolved feelings, they were so close. One day they almost kissed. She and Steve had been drinking vodka from a potato they had harvested and fermented. Steven had been horsing around with her, and all of a sudden she fell on top of him.face to face.
Both intensely looking into each other’s eyes. Seeing who had the balls to change their friendship into romance. They both leaned closer and closer, very close. They could feel each other’s breath on their faces. So close, eyes locked, and just like that CRASH!
That had been Adrian falling of a ladder on top of a lot of glass. Apparently he was trying something in his tent. He had been messing with a working mini laser machine he found in one of his scavenger missions.
They rushed in to see, and he was badly wounded. That was then, but now, he wasn’t sure if those feelings were true or vodka induced. He didn’t know why he was thinking about this, and shook his head fast in silence. He readied a katana, it was supposed to be a gift for Mitchell, but he needed a weapon of speed. This wasn’t Steve’s first encounter with the mutants. O course the peons won’t remember him, but I’m sure HE will.
Steven put om the vest he had gotten from the cop station. It now was re-enforced with iron plating and small compartments to hold ammo and small Knives. He walked towards a high peak where he could see Aggrun sitting near a small radio awaiting orders. Sneaking past these mutants is easy if you are as stealthy as Riot, however Steve is a little hard headed when comes to urgency.
He climbed down and spilled a bunch of gasoline he had siphoned from crapped out vehicles. He spilled it on the opposite area, lit it and ran for cover. The mutants love fire, its something moth like in their genes. Not necessarily saying they are part moth, I don’t know about that, I’m just saying it’s moth like.
Then after they rushed to the fire, Steven threw a paper ball. This was their silent message back when Steve and Aggrun were comrades under Andre. Aggrun knew his bait worked, now to finish the job….maybe. See, they were comrades, but they weren’t friends.
The note read: Aggrun, Remember that slash on your shoulder? If you want payback, call off your grunts. We’ll settle this man to man, even though you are only part human. You know the honorable way to live, so if I win, you hear me out. If you win, you can kill me, but leave the kids alone.
Aggrun crumpled the paper and stood from the broken concrete rubble he had sat on. Reached down for his huge spiked hammer. “OUR PREY HAS COME TO THE DEPTHS OF HELL, HE HAS OFFERED AN HONORABLE DUEL! INTERFERE AND I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF!!! STEPHEN KNIGHT, TODAY I REPAY YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID, TODAY YOU DIE!!!” The sound was almost deafening, the ground seemed to quake at his words. It wasn't new to steven.
Aggrun was referring to the prison break, he was standing guard and let Steve pass on trust. Steve then sliced him up, it had a very potent poison, not deadly. He wanted a piece for this game, because the world was just another game to Andre. All the mutants had frozen, all of them were afraid of his power and might, I literraly mean power. The government wanted a way for a super soldier to be able to convey orders to other soldiers telepathically.
the only thing is it only works for the mutants, another flaw is that he can kill them with a thought. Control the brain, control their life span. Steven had arrived with the sword drawn like his old one, except it looked a lot less cool. Taking out his .9 milliliter pistol, but wasn’t aiming to kill. Aggrun already knew that, he wasn’t a brute. Don’t assume that he is, he is just the leader of the brute, savage, monsters. The fight was about to begin, it was not going to be easy.
Steve charged full of zeal and a stoic look on his face, he hadn’t faced an opponent as tough as him. Aggrun smashed in front, missing but cracking the asphalt with amazing power. A chunk almost caught Steve in the arm. Steven was famous for being an incredibly fast dodger, especially his side steps. So he jumped to avoid the debris and shockwave.
He had taken a small slice to Aggrun’s arm, but because it was only a basic sword, as sharp as it was, it did little damage to Aggrun. He quickly punched Steve and almost broke his arms when Steve blocked. Don’t get me wrong, Steve cried out in agony, but he used to pain of this level.
Steve landed on his feet, took out his .9 mil pistol once more, and shot where he had made the cut. It was pretty tough to aim in that situation, but he managed to pull it off though. Then he was out of bullets, but wasn’t stupid enough to reload with a giant trying to kill you. Steven threw four knives aimed at the mutant’s stomach, Aggrun roared in pain. He threw the hammer at Steve, but it missed by a hair, it cut him a little on the shoulder.
It wasn’t serious, but it was something. He knew he would try hand to hand now, he was half way fucked. The only way to beat him is in ranged combat. He went towards him as Aggrun charged full of rage, and activated his last home made smoke grenade on his vest. Aggrun punched the Darkness. Since he has to punch down, he missed and cracked the asphalt instead. This however had no huge power behind it, in fact it was actually painful for Aggrun. He knew he wasn’t used to punching hard surfaces.
Then Steven drove his sword into the giant’s leg with full force. Steven became a little tired, but the result was well worth it. Steve then ran around the giant, who was swinging violently. He climbed on the giant’s back, which was a good idea, seeing as he looked like a red hulk. The giant tried to reach his back, but much to his dismay, Steven had six knives left.
Steven repeatedly stabbed the shoulder he had sliced in the past. These were fifteen inch long knives, so of course this hurt. Steve left them in non vital areas, and as the giant fell to blood loss, and acknowledged defeat. “grrrrr, you win, what do you want? Traitor! I serve andre for my imbeciles’ protection, just as you seek for yours! Kill me if you want! I will not let a traitor like you command my kin!”
Steven laughed, and then stopped slowly. “Why would I want to kill you?” Aggrun had a puzzled look on his face. “You were only a pawn of Andre, but did you know that even a pawn can become a queen?” This did not go well with Aggrun, because in one last attempt he tried smacking Steve, but missed. “I meant, that you can become more than just a pawn, someone of caliber, a true leader.”
This seemed appealing to him. “Set up camp somewhere, Andre views you as a threat, he won’t hesitate to kill you when he has enough resources to do so.” Aggrun realized that the fortress was the only thing keeping them from winning, before a humiliating defeat. “Your kin died in massive numbers already, are you prepared for your race to be extinct?” He molded a thought in his brain, Steve didn’t want to use him, but set him free like those prisoners.
“You are not a monster, you are a living being with consciousness. Just as you adapted maybe with time, your kin will as well.” This was even more appealing to Aggrun, because he did not like how stupid his kin really were. “Protect the women in your tribe, they are your last hope, pull them from any battle you need to fight.” Aggrun nodded. “I just have one request, and you can call upon my support when you need. Please lend me your strength, my tribe is in danger and I need some place safe for MY kin.”
Aggrun nodded and sent his mutants the message, and fifty giants were mobilized. Only ten females remained from the war. So they stayed while Steve showed how to apply medical assistance. Simon was safe up in the top for now, if he were attacked, then at least no one knew where they hid.
This has been a product of my dream and my imagination. So if you like it, comment with feedback then it’ll be out more frequently.
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