The Songstress' Lore of Lies

By Miguel De La Cruz
- 3700 reads
The Songstress' Lore of Lies
Chapter One
Walking to a school that I don't give two shits about, is not my idea of "Fun." Pulling an all nighter isn't either, but I have to pay bills too.
"Hurry up or you're going to be late. Again."
My annoying first period teacher was hypocritically getting out of his car. He too was late, as usual.
"Move it or lose it, lori."
That annoying smile of a perverted old teacher, gawking at the females of the school.
"Up yours."
He came to understand I didn't care for this banter one bit, ulterior motives are always crystal clear.
"You keep talking like that and I'll have to report you."
As if that was ever a threat.
"What's he gonna do? Suspend me? Like I give a shit."
He gave up and hurried inside, and the bell rung. As I walked into the doors of the school, the secretary was waiting for me with the sign in sheet.
"You were working again, weren't you?"
Her smile was sincere, unlike that pesky creepy bastard.
"Yeah.. I earned enough for my rent.."
She hid five dollars under the sign in sheet, and gave a hush look.
"My, you're looking quite thin.. You should take better care of yourself."
I gave her the sheet and smiled back, afterall she was the only person I could stand.
"What's this?"
A puzzled look crossed her face.
"My autograph."
She giggled for a moment and headed back into her office.
The hallways were somewhat ugly, since the students break in at night and defile the walls. Phallic drawings with graffiti and swear words were plastered everywhere. Oh joy..
"You know.. You could at least text me if you were going to be late."
James smiled awkwardly as he shoved the bathroom pass into his bag.
"I meant to text you, but funny thing about unpaid bills.."
He fidgeted like I just slapped his confidence even lower.
"I- I'm sorry, if you want I can help-"
I interrupted him, there's no way I'll depend on anyone again.
"It's fine, don't worry about it."
It annoyed me how hard he tried to get in my good graces. James reached into his bag and pulled out a couple of Pop-Tarts.
"I know you don't like me giving you things, but you missed breakfast-"
I snatched them from his hand and signaled him to leave. I'm not completely cold hearted, but he was going to be in trouble for abusing the bathroom pass.
Munching on these delicious snacks, I realized these weren't the kind the school gives out at breakfast.
"That idiot spent money on me again.."
My annoying teacher came out to greet me, scratch that, harass me.
"I see you were too busy talking to your boyfriend in the hall. Maybe I should call his teacher."
James may be a bit of a pushover, but I'm not going to let him bare a punishment because of me.
"Do it and you will never see your precious mustang again."
The class wailed in unison "Ooooh..."
"What are you, fucking owls? Grow up."
Mr. Devoe looked at me in a humorless manner as I sat in my chair. He began to teach, but my classmate handed back notes she had borrowed.
"Thanks, I don't think I could pass this class without you."
"You could if you'd study or paid attention, kate-lynn."
It was unfair to her, because I never pay attention either. I wait till I get home and research what I need to learn. The only thing keeping me here is the truancy law..
"I see that you like to talk during my lesson, why don't you come up here. If you think teaching is easy, why don't you try it."
He was really getting on my nerves.. reluctantly, I walked to the board and started to write:
Reasons why Mr. Devoe is a douche
1. He has a tiny penis
2. He can't get laid
3. Doesn't know when to shut the fuck up.
He rose from his leather chair infuriated, but I walked out of the room. He walked rapidly behind me as if to catch up but I was close to the principal's office. He grabbed my shoulder and I responded by slapping him.
"Keep your creepy paws off me!"
At that moment the principal stepped out to see the commotion. Fully knowing it was most likely me stirring up trouble again.
"You two! My office, now."
Ten minutes passed, Dr. Nolan had given his verdict. Mr. Devoe was suspended for inappropriately touching a student and harassment. However, my punishment was worse. Knowing the state my life was in, he did not suspend me.
He had sentenced me to help the janitor during my first period class, I was also given multiple detentions. The only silver lining is that he allowed me to be in a different classroom from now on.
"Lorelei, if you keep causing problems, I will expel you from school."
I looked him in the eye and stood up.
"You do what you need to do, just keep that creep away from me."
In this school I've become infamous for walking out. Other students tried following in my footsteps, but they didn't have the resolve. I'm an emancipated student, meaning my parents signed a legal document that set me free. They didn't care if I lived or died as long as they got their fix.
Second period was art, but my teacher let me hang in the gym by myself. She loved the drawings that came from the inspiration of being alone. Ms. Davis was nice sometimes, but she was also pretty rude. Given that this is an inner city school, you can't really blame her.
Then the sound of the gym doors closing filled the room. Mr. Devoe had followed me here.
"You're quite the troublesome little school girl, aren't you?"
"And you're quite the creepy bastard, what's your point?"
I clutched my bag strap and assumed a fighting stance from a movie I saw.
"I locked all the doors, so no-one will interrupt our little rendezvous."
A very ugly and perverted gaze came over him, this fucker was nuts. I backed away slowly looking for a weapon, but there wasn't anything else I could use to defend myself.
"I'm here to prove you wrong. My dick is not tiny.."
As soon as he tried to unzip his pants, my bag flew towards his face. Allowing me to kick him in the nuts, while he caught the bag with both arms. I tried to run toward the door, but he had grabbed my ankle, causing me to fall.
He had managed to climb on top of me and smacked me. When he tried to fondle my breast and leaned in close, an opportunity arose. I jammed my both my thumbs in his eyeballs, and squished as hard as I could. He tried to choke me, but judged poorly where my neck was.
My teeth had severed his thumb, and his nasty ass blood trickled into my mouth. It was then I heard a ruckus, and I tried to free myself. I could not break free, he was too strong, and he punched me in the cheek.
My head bounced down to the ground, hitting the floor super hard. Everything was becoming hazy and I was about to start crying.. Was this seriously about to happen to me?
Then out of nowhere, Mr. Devoe had flown off me. James got up and started to beat him mercilessly... I could not see much of the fight because I was dazed, but as I tried to stand up the room went black.
I awoke to bright lights and beep noises, and a crybaby sitting next to me.
"Why are you here?"
"I lied about being your fiancé.."
I wanted to thank him for saving me, but I couldn't find the words.
"You don't have to say a thing.. Just get better, ok?"
Ignoring the tears on his face, I saw there was dried blood on his shirt and some on his nostril. He had taken a couple of hits himself.. I guess he's not such a crybaby after all.
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Your central character isn't
Your central character isn't very likeable but a readable story, perhaps if you removed some of the sexual elements this would appeal to young readers.
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She comes across as tough and
She comes across as tough and that's good, I like that sort of heroine, just think even the toughest and most troubled have something you can like about them - perhaps when you reveal more of her background the reader will feel empathy for her.
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Sounds interesting, I look
Sounds interesting, I look forward to reading more.
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Definitely kept my attention.
Definitely kept my attention. Just a little predictable with James being her savior in the end. Like of course he somehow knew Lori was in trouble and found a way to get through the locked doors. Though this can obviously be explained later to make the reader less skepticle. I actually took a liking to the main character, mostly because of her saracstic humour. The only thing I noticed was some of the language that was used seemed uncommon in teenagers making it sound a little corny. Like the use of "paws" instead of hands, or calling someone a "crybaby." It seemed a little out-of-place next to words like "fucker." It could just be the character's way of talking though; as you mentioned in the comments, this is no ordinary girl. Overall this was an enjoyable read, and I'll be on the lookout for the second chapter.
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Some interesting dialogue in
Some interesting dialogue in this schooly fantasy. Pretty terrible teachers and pupils!!! It kept me reading !!!
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