By moonphish
Thu, 11 Aug 2016
- 318 reads
we're a pair of sea bound vessels
we're inclined to dare the tide
we are bored by shallow waters
through the foaming waves, we glide
cruising slowly then ascending
to a quick rapidity
boats are safer in the harbor
but that's not where boats should be
we're a pair of dogs in transit
through dark alleys, we may roam
and although in our own bodies
in each other's heart, our home
we will navigate by instinct
in the bliss of liberty
dogs are safer in the doghouse
but that's not where dogs should be
we're a pair of matching heartbeats
with a lively fevered pace
if love were measured by its speed
our hearts would win the race
from a beat that's slow and steady
to a fierce velocity
hearts are safer when they're guarded
but that's not what hearts should be
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