By moonphish
- 1977 reads
hello, my name is john and i have done some internettin'
with a gal whose name is mary and along, we have been gettin'
we've chatted up a storm and traded tales and were rehearsin'
for the day to come eventually when we would meet in person
we thought a simple bite to eat would be a friendly greetin'
and picked a spot halfway between to have this joyous meetin'
i groomed myself that morning so i'd make a good impression
to put my best foot forward at the luncheonary session
i practiced all the lines i'd say just like a crammin' student
and made sure that i left on time cause punctual is prudent
i walked into a restaurant and a woman was there waitin'
she turned to me and said "hi john, i've been anticipatin'
she looked a little older than the photos she had posted
her body maybe not as fit, as to me, she had boasted
but still we had connected on a level that was mental
so who was i to crab if passin' years had not been gentle
i took her hand and found a booth and we began conversin'
but then it seemed the things i knew about her were reversin'
she told me tales of her three kids, three more than she had mentioned
its good that she was comin' clean, though i felt apprehension
as she went on, the less to me, her cyber self resembled
the more i was confused as her true story was assembled
it soon became apparent that i'd never be her suitor
so different here in flesh and blood then when on the computer
just when i thought this farce onstage could not be any sillier
i looked across the room and saw a face oh so familiar
there sittin' with an older man, with white hair, wild and scary
sat the woman i had met online, i quickly mouthed out "mary?"
she nodded back quite merrily and mouthed back at me "john?"
we got up and we hugged as finally recognition dawned
this was the woman that i knew and i, the one she sought
lucky for us that a single glimpse i made was caught
the same thing happened also to the couple who had came
another john and mary, whats the odds we'd all share names
we laughed about the ways and means of daft and fickle fate
then afterwards all sat together on a double date
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this made me smile - thank
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I thought this was going to
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Fantastic moonphish, loved
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Thank you for making me
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