A weredragon story
By mozzythefirefox
- 1341 reads
After 9 violent transformations on the full moon, a weredragon has something to fear: the tenth transformation is permanet. That night is tonight. My last time a human. I don't try to refuse it, because I know what is coming. Besides, it will just make things harder. I walk outside, letting the pure moonlight sparkle over my skin. It began to feel hotter. Black scales replaced my skin, making me feel pain, my blood feels hotter and becomes acidic. More pain. I can no longer see, until new, more powerful eyes with infra-red mode replaced them. Yet another dose of pain. I can no longer think, and my brain stops working. It is replaced by a much sharper onme with larger capacities. My neck stretches, and spikes pop out of my back. I close my eyes as the most painful part takes place: a tail grew out of my back. After the transformation is complete, I am bigger than my house. I have black scales, black wings, spikes, etc.
I can no longer control myself, however. I don't want to see the horrible things that the weredragon does. I shut myself out. The dragon did what he wanted to do; burn houses, eat people, kill people, and maybe even bite people.
It must have been a while before I set myself back into the dragon's mind. There were dragons flying everywhere, and smoke drifted into the sky. be was surrounded by charred ruins.
What have I done?
Who am I?
What am I?
*This memory was aquired from a jar, drifting in the Sea of the Lost Hour
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