Turn the TV off!!
By my silent undoing
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What time is it? Nearly five? Shit. Something woke me... a noise? No, more¦ more just a feeling. Maybe another one of those falling dreams? Bad dreams. I'm used to those. Like those dreams of being blind, helpless, all my nerves burning¦ being in complete darkness¦ in the orphanage. When I was a baby, before my solid memories began. Took me a long time to work that out¦ was just a darkness in my mind before that, dogged me for years, then I worked it out¦ it was always vague, distant, unreachable¦ out of the corner of my eye¦ then I remembered. Shit, I feel like that now. Something's wrong¦ what? Just a feeling¦ something has changed¦
Can I go back to sleep? No, I fucking can't. Need to find out what's wrong¦
The TV's on downstairs. That's it. Fucking hell, one of them bloody kids has left it on again! Bastards, they don't know how much electricity costs¦ they just live here and eat here for free and don't worry about a damn thing. Well one day they'll find out that life ain't so easy¦ I was in the fucking navy at their age, making myself worthwhile¦ well one day they'll be grateful for everything I do for them, how I have to clean up all their damn mess and turn off everything they leave on¦ yeah, maybe when I'm dead they'll realise¦ and all the bloody thanks I get! They never even talk to me, just run to their bloody mother¦
Okay, okay. Get up. Turn the TV off. I'll fucking let them know about it tomorrow, give them a piece of my mind. I'm not gonna let this go¦ damn, need the toilet now as well¦ and work tomorrow! Always fucking work, always fucking looking after the kids, always the fucking wife with her whining¦ never any sleep! No, sleep's too much to ask for, isn't it? Never allowed any proper damn rest¦ except when I'm dead, I guess! Yeah, then maybe they'll be sorry¦
It's in the front room. TV's on in the front room¦ and so is the light! I'll be wiping their fucking arses next, the useless bastards¦
It's so damn dark¦ and cold! Never fucking mind, back to bed in a minute, just got to go in here and turn-
The TV off, and the light, because Matthew left them on¦ ah, he left them on because he's dead. He's kind of dead, just sitting on the sofa with his eyes still open¦ I still need to turn the TV off, though. Electricity. Then I guess that I have to ring 999¦ tell them that there's a dead body in my house... the body of my son¦ why isn't he breathing? Should I shut his eyes? Turn them off, like every other fucking thing¦ check his pulse? I don't want to touch him¦ what if he's cold? It would be worse if he's still warm, though, wouldn't it? I guess I have to touch him¦ I have to¦ shake him, demand that he wakes up so that I can tell him off for leaving the TV on¦ wake up! Wake up, you useless bastard! You don't deserve to be dead! I'm the only one who is allowed to be in pain! I raised you! You have no right to be dead! I¦
Have to wake Denise up and tell her¦ I know¦ and then the kids¦ phone 999 then wake-up Denise then the kids¦ turn the TV off¦
But not just yet¦ got to let this sink in¦ wait to wake up¦
My father woke me up 7.30, that morning. It was a Thursday, my day off, but of course I had just woken up, and so wasn't that sure of anything. He said "I'm sorry to disturb you, William, but Matthew died last night, and, though his facial expression remained stony and his voice didn't falter, I did of course assume that he was joking. I did, in fact, believe that it was April 1st, all of a sudden, and that this was just another one of his twisted April Fool's Day jokes¦ until I came out of my room and saw my other brother, David, crying as he entered the bathroom, and knew instantly that it was no joke. David never cried. And I never did either, until a week later when I saw the coffin containing Matthew being carried past me on the way to the incinerator¦ anyway. I saw my dad cry that day as well.
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