River so deep
By Nolan
Thu, 11 Dec 2014
- 2086 reads
River so deep O river so wide so dark
How long did I dream how long did I long
Cursed in my heart passion’s dagger twists
Quench the yearning that doesn't cease
O deep river quench the flame of wrath
In the mercy of your shadowy shivering embrace
All pain and grief and sorrow dies
From afar the gleam of steel and gold
Softly murmurs waters deep and cold
I hear your call’s sweet whisper in my dreams
Make haste be fast
Deep the river O dark the stream
Diep Rivier
O, Diep Rivier, O Donker Stroom
Hoe lank het ek gewag, hoe lank gedroom,
Die lem van liefde wroegend in my hart?
– In jou omhelsing eindig al my smart;
Blus uit, O Diep Rivier, die vlam van haat;
Die groot verlange wat my nooit verlaat.
Ek sien van ver die glans van staal en goud,
Ek hoor die sag gedruis van waters diep en koud;
Ek hoor jou stem as ‘n fluistering in ‘n droom,
Kom snel, O Diep Rivier, O Donker Stroom.
Eugène N. Marais (1871–1936)
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Please note the poem is an adaptation and free translation from Afrikaans of “Diep Rivier” which in turn was a translation of the song of Juanita Perreira.
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This is beautiful and
Permalink Submitted by Philip Sidney on
This is beautiful and sorrowful. I don't know the music so will see if I can find it online.
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It's a very thoughtful poem.
Permalink Submitted by Parson Thru on
It's a very thoughtful poem. Looser translations/interpretations done with sensitivity are better that something too literal. Just my own feeling on it.
Parson Thru
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