scent of the sea
By Nolan
Tue, 16 Dec 2014
- 1318 reads
nearer the sea
stronger the stream
stronger the stream
stronger the stream
bolder the dream!
nearer the waves
nearer the waves
louder the surf
louder the surf
louder the surf
greater the joy!
every tear-drop
every raindrop
every cloud
every fountain
every spring
every river
every brook
every stream
nearer the sand
nearer the dunes
nearer the vast
nearer the blue!
closer the sea
closer the dream
nearer the waves
stronger the stream
stronger of salt
fresher the breeze!
stronger of salt
fresher the breeze!
closer the waters
closer the dream
nearer the waves
stronger the flow!
strong of salt
fresh is the breeze
fresh is the breeze
closer the beach
closer the dream
closer the waves
closer the waves
wilder the waters!
nearer the day
nearer the sea
faster the stream
faster the flow
lovely the day
o’ lovely the dawn!
lovely the day
o’ lovely the dawn!
blue is the sky
bright is the morn!
afar whispering
big waters murmur
big waters murmur
foam on sands rush
rolling shells and pebbles
splash on rocks
rumbles surf breakers thunder
~ ~
bolder the hope
bolder the dream
bolder the dream
nearer the blue
nearer the deep
closer the vast!
closer the blue!
closer the blue!
brave is our love
brave is the faith
higher of spirit
stronger the soul!
stronger the hope
stronger the dream
braver the heart
undying the hope!
fresh is the morn
pastel the dawn!
sweet the dream
pastel the dawn!
sweet the dream
sweeter the day!
brave is our faith
strong is our love
strong and brave
pure in hope
~ ~
roar of storms
roar of gales
roar of gales
hymns of silence
songs of love
songs of song
songs of song
song of silence
hush turning tide
tidings of joy
tidings of hope
life’s celebration!
fires of jubilation!
whispered afar
soft murmurs
foam on the sand
wash and splash
on the rocks
thundering breakers
flowing in the wind
winding in the river
singing in the stream
blowing to the sea
blowing to the sea
~ ~
song of love
love of loves!
song of ages
song of songs
sing of storms
songs of thunder!
songs of songs
songs of songs
storm of storms!
mighty thunder
raging storm
bright flashes
blinding lightning!
rider of rain and cloud and wind!
glide the majestic oceans
fly on thunder ride on lightning
ride the storm rider of storms!
sing of storms a song of thunder!
O’ Sweet dream of many wonders!
~ ~ ~ ¥ ~ ~ ~
Bring Nolan to Chefane!
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I think this is fabulous!
I think this is fabulous! Love the way it rushes on like a river in a sort of orgasmic crescendo with breaks the flow every so often, and suddenly we're off again. I love the sea - the calm, or excitement of water in general is just about my favourite subject, so most of this poem was definitely for me.
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Full of joy and energy,
Permalink Submitted by Philip Sidney on
Full of joy and energy, exhilarating!
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