Paradox Part 26
By Oldwarrior
- 1093 reads
Chapter 25
April 27, 2012 – Resort Hotel Jodquellenhof Alpamare - Bad Tölz
“Things have changed,” Monday glumly stated as they were having breakfast. He sat at a table in the hotel restaurant with Dr. Prestano, Daria, and Henri. “Chester reports that Schafer and his gang have reinforcements. Scout spotted at least a dozen men, very professional looking, posted in and around their hotel. He identified at least one of them whom he thinks may be their leader, a retired French commando by the name of Jean Marcel Dorbec, regarded as among the best of the best when it comes to unconventional tactics. The man is a virtual legend in the French Army and French Foreign Legion.”
“Obviously this sudden change has more to do with the second part of the message than finding the gold,” Dom stated. “My contacts tell me that a powerful organization has entered the picture, a clandestine entity named the Karotechia.”
“I read something about them in our history classes,” Daria remarked. “Weren’t they tied to the Nazi SS and the occult?”
“Yes, they originated with the Nazi’s,” Monday replied. “They are an offshoot of a Nazi organization called the Ahenenerbe-SS and were active throughout the war. It is reputed that the Karotechia managed to ‘resuscitate’ corpses that were used against the Russians on the Eastern Front, as well as to defend Berlin in 1945. Additionally there were extensive experiments on Polish and Russian prisoners in the death camps at Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, and Madjanek. It was later discovered that upon the alleged death of Hitler, Operation Werewolf was instigated by the Karotechia to recreate an earlier ritual that had destroyed Naudabaum Castle in Bavaria in early 1945 in an abortive attempt to summon an extraterrestrial being that H. P. Lovecraft called Azathoth. If successful, it was believed that the loss of life could have been far greater than both Japanese H-bombs. After the war, around thirty-seven highly placed members escaped to the Middle East and South America along with other Nazi fugitives. At least half of them were found and killed by Mossad or other Nazi hunters. Many scholars believe that they are still active in spreading their message of a new Fourth Reich.”
“Doctor Olaf Bitterich recruited two of the organisation’s survivors, Reinhard Galt and Gunter Frank, to become the leaders of the new Fourth Reich headquartered in Argentina,” Dom added. “Bitterich believed that Hitler appeared to him and he actually wrote a book titled Mein Triumph based on his discussions with the late great Fuhrer. The Karotechia is very active in supporting underground fascist organisations.”
“There are many splinter groups here in Germany,” Henri cut in. “They’ve grown more powerful over the past fifteen years or so due to the unrest after Germany reunited. Their largest cell is located in what was Eastern Germany. You’d be surprised at some of the very prominent figures who are alleged to be members of this underground movement.”
“On a brighter note I did find out where Sergeant Jager was buried,” Dom stated. “Herr Krupke said that Szekler went directly to a stone marked with the number 710. Behind the stone was a sealed packet with some papers in it. They took the packet and told Krupke if he went to the police he would be eliminated. They obviously weren’t concerned about us.” Dom stopped to take a sip of tea and bite into a heavily buttered croissant. “They didn’t even ask him about Jager,” he continued. “Krupke told me that he was buried in a little hamlet called Gaissach.”
“That’s just up the hill from Flint Kaserne, where I was stationed,” Monday’s face brightened. “I spent a lot of time in a quiet little guesthouse there. We even had a special table reserved for our team.”
“Are you thinking that the gold is buried with Sergeant Jager or buried there instead of Jager?” Henri asked. “I must remind you that after the war so many people were digging up buried Nazi’s in their search for treasure that the government clamped down hard on it. It takes a special permit now to disturb any soldier’s grave.”
Daria interrupted.“Back to this commando group, where do they get their training and support? “Don’t you have to be a member of the armed forces to obtain such detailed and specialized training.”
“In two words, yes and no,” Monday replied. “The majority of these clandestine teams consist of men who have been members of the elite forces of different countries. Some retired, others simply received better offers. Many are not aware but there are American Green Berets, Seals, Marine Force Recon, Rangers and others who use their specialized training for monetary gain. For example, a senior sergeant, Special Forces qualified, may receive sixty or seventy thousand dollars a year in pay and benefits on active duty, but that same soldier can expect to earn several hundred thousand dollars in the civilian sector training non-military personnel. There is a percentage of these highly skilled trainers who have gone over to what we like to call, the dark side.”
“And there are large corporations or shadowy organizations willing and eager to fund this training,” Henri added. “These mercenary soldiers care nothing for any social or political cause, their bottom line is getting top dollar for their services.”
“Similar to what you and your team are doing.” Daria winked at Monday. “Except you will turn the gold over to its rightful owner correct?” She gave him a knowing look and then stuck a pink tongue out at him.
“Correct,” he replied. “Minus the seven percent finders fee of course.” He stuck his tongue out back at her.
“Do we agree that the gold is either buried with Sergeant Jager or that his grave points to the final location?” Dom returned the conversation to Jager. “Everything points in that direction but I will remind you we were wrong about the date of Caesar’s death. There may still be something we have overlooked or failed to take into consideration.”
“Knowing what we now know, I say we take a chance on Gaissach,” Monday suggested
Henry nodded his head in agreement then added, “I will call my contact in the Bundespolizei and make arrangements. When do we go to Jager’s grave?”
“I’m sure that Dorbec will take his time in planning his operation,” Monday mused. “Tomorrow evening would be the earliest we may expect them to act.”
“So we either plan it for tonight or wait until tomorrow,” Dom added. “I prefer to wait and hope to catch them in the act.”
“Me too,” Henry stood and stretched like a waking bear. “If we can catch them digging up the gold illegally they will be locked up pending trial and I think I have enough pull to see that their trial takes a while. I don’t relish the thought of them following us on the search for part two of the message.”
“Meaning you are going to help us on the next mission also?” Monday raised an eyebrow. “Can the Bundeswehr afford to lose such an important person for so long?”
“I’ll have you know that I have several months of holiday coming to me,” Henri replied with a pouting smile. “I have already been approved to take the time off.”
“Tomorrow it is then,” Monday sighed. “As soon as Chester returns we’ll establish an operations plan. In the meantime we need to have at least one man keep a watch on the cemetery at Gaissach. We can’t possibly watch all of Dorbec’s team so we won’t even try. We can pretty much figure out what he needs in order to dig up the gold and carry it away. I’m also certain he will likely create some diversion to draw the authorities in another direction. I would like to have someone watching Doctor Szekler. I think he’s more than just the brains of their outfit. He’s probably a highly placed member of this secret organization you mentioned.”
Before Monday could continue, his cell phone rang. Flipping open the panel, he glanced around with a bemused look at the others. “Dorbec,” he stated, for the benefit of the others. Raising the phone to his lips he said, “What can I do for you Jean Marcel?”
“Doctor Stiehl,” Dorbec answered in a curt tone. “I believe that we have something of common interest to discuss. Would you be willing to meet me at a place of your choosing in an hour or so?”
Dorbec sounded quite sincere. “He wants to meet me somewhere,” Monday whispered, holding is hand over the cell phone. Everyone shrugged. “The Restaurant Zer Flintkaserne in two hours,” Monday replied.
“Two hours,” Dorbec answered then the line went dead.
“I’ll go with you,” Henri offered. “This may be a plan to grab you and use you as a lever to get to us.”
“I will go with Monday,” Daria flatly stated, speaking slowly and raising her head in defiance. “If you want to, how do you say…stake out the place, you may do so, but I am going with Monday.” Her tone of voice left no doubt of her sincerity and intent.
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