A most punctual man

By onemorething
- 468 reads
Polished, expressions
and persona rehearsed,
bluffed exterior, buffed
shiny like glass,
but at core, a darker matter,
his soul made of plastic - flexible,
morality clouded
with drugs and booze
leading to a propensity
to speak in anagrams
and cryptic crossword clues.
Eel smarm, slippery and snake
charm leaving wake of bleak
incomprehension, under
hammer fist of intolerance
for any dissension, hidden
hands were smelted steel.
Indestructible seeming
insurmountable that it came as
a surprise that when he left the house
at a quarter past seven
with Greenwich Mean Time precision;
wind westerly, sky overcast,
whisper of drizzle,
that he walked out into the road
and bang, that’s what they said,
a decent man, affable,
a most punctual man,
but now he’s dead.
Image from pixabay
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