Quantum Vehicle Navigation

By OtterMan
- 419 reads
Operation in four confluent dimensions as a particle and a wave before collapsing the Eigen state at pick up. A dynamic synergy of energy exchanged, disappearing once again into the probability haze to alight, oh so briefly, in the stable time x,y,z, coordinate superposition. So many higher dimensions boggle the mind as squares double with distance. Coordinates in three spatial dimensions, time, acceleration, rate, start position, destination, internal conditions labeled A thru L, external factors M thru U, an impressive array of data sets processed in real time as influenced by the open ended set of not only the temporal imposed rules of various jurisdictions but more importantly grounded by the immutable laws of physical existence. All of which is executed by a three pound grey matter processor connected to a bio-electro-chemical sensory/servo interface.
See, I just don’t think that can be replicated with a one/zero based processing system. Unless and until a true quantum processor can be mated with a sensor/servo package in a reliable stable package, your better served with the grey matter system. You’re going to need superconductors, that means lots of liquid helium and just a crap ton of insulation. If you’re going there you might just as well bite the bullet and pave the road with ceramic magnets and have hover cars. That’s where I’ll have to draw the line! If I can’t feel at least two pieces of rubber against the road, I’m out.
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