Come on Tae!
By paborama
Wed, 05 Jul 2017
- 1623 reads
I wiz walking along the seafront doon Portybella wey, when ah thought 'ah could dae wi an ice-cream, gey Hot it wiz. So, ninety-niner in ma haun I threw back ma heid tae take a bite an a deil skwauking seagull pooped right in ma open gob.
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Awright paborama?
Permalink Submitted by Weefatfella on
Aye! Poirtolabello, the Napoli o the north.
A hope yir wee taste ae gullshit husnae pit yie aff yir Italiano gelato.
A find a wee wander intae exotic tastes can gie yie an appreciation ae the finer things in life.
Whither they're gifted tae yie, or no!
batter oan!
I might not like what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
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Had a seagull poop on my face
Permalink Submitted by skinner_jennifer on
Had a seagull poop on my face once, but in the mouth...yuk!
This wee story, put a smile on my face.
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