From whence shall rise no more the tide
By paborama
- 541 reads
Have you seen an empire fall, seen it to its end?
Enter unto here thy loathesome beast
From whence shall rise no more the tide.
As Armageddon strikes from heaven
Four lonely horsemen ride.
As more and more is gone to dust,
As lost as lust and wingèd trusts do fly
From lips and squirm from hips
And drag the promised secrets thus
Before the eye both naked, kneeling
Killing hope and faith and feeling,
Feel my sword and hear me swear
That you were born to keep your lair
But now, aflung from out your tomb
As speeding t'wards the crack of doom
We fall apart, we fellow men
Our senses tamed, our morals spent.
Bow down and rise with vigour,
Rise up and rouse and rigour keep
And burn anew like phoenix from the desert dew,
Shave off your sheath and sling your hook
Th'apex of the learnèd book.
Rise one rise all rise straight and tall
And face the judgement of the fall.
And with me now we'll seek our fate,
In fiery pit, at pearly gate.
We'll be the men we've always been
With me the king and you the queen.
If once we were but interested
Now is time that we were tested.
Rise up and cheer and stamp and sing,
Rise up and make these rafters ring.
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